So yea...I've been really bad at keeping this journal thing updated.
Graduation was FABULOUS!! I'm SO VERY happy to be done. It still hasn't completely sunk-in that I'm graduated, I think it'll start sinking in when all my friends who are still in school go back to class in a few weeks. Either way, now I've just got work to focus on.
Work is not the best...I got put on probation because of a couple of protocol violations. I didn't kill anyone, one guy was already dead and wasn't coming back. The other incident....well, I should have known better, but it wasn't horible. All being on probation means is that I have to work with another paramedic for the next three months. *sigh* It frustrates me that I haven't been doing as well as I could be...should be! I totally understand being put on probation and I'm hoping that now that I'm not distracted by school I can do better at work.
I finally got boots and bindings to go with the skis I got for my birthday last year. That means I can finally start doing all the back country skiing I've been wanting to do!
Now if I could just find someone to go with me. I'm taking a trip up to Steamboat later this month to spend about a week with a very good friend of mine who I haven't seen in almost a year. I'm also going up to Seattle at the end of the month to visit my darling baby sister at school. And so the life of freedom begins!! I'm try to arrange a motorcycle trip out to Illinois and Michigan to visit my family over the summer as well.
Personally....well things are all sorts of fucked up....but its my own damn fault....and not really all that bad. I was really stupid about the way I handled a situation a while back, and I certainly regret it now! I wish that I hadn't hurt anyone in this whole thing, but that's not very all I can hope is that I didn't hurt them too badly and they might at some point forgive me.
Truely, I'm really quite happy with my life right now...I have more freedom than I have ever had and its wonderful!
I'm finding myself surprisingly please drop me a line and we can hang out!
Graduation was FABULOUS!! I'm SO VERY happy to be done. It still hasn't completely sunk-in that I'm graduated, I think it'll start sinking in when all my friends who are still in school go back to class in a few weeks. Either way, now I've just got work to focus on.
Work is not the best...I got put on probation because of a couple of protocol violations. I didn't kill anyone, one guy was already dead and wasn't coming back. The other incident....well, I should have known better, but it wasn't horible. All being on probation means is that I have to work with another paramedic for the next three months. *sigh* It frustrates me that I haven't been doing as well as I could be...should be! I totally understand being put on probation and I'm hoping that now that I'm not distracted by school I can do better at work.
I finally got boots and bindings to go with the skis I got for my birthday last year. That means I can finally start doing all the back country skiing I've been wanting to do!

Personally....well things are all sorts of fucked up....but its my own damn fault....and not really all that bad. I was really stupid about the way I handled a situation a while back, and I certainly regret it now! I wish that I hadn't hurt anyone in this whole thing, but that's not very all I can hope is that I didn't hurt them too badly and they might at some point forgive me.

I'm finding myself surprisingly please drop me a line and we can hang out!
i don't think i noticed that i graduated for quite some time. each semester i would think "what classes should I ...oh yay!" i even had a dream the other night thinking i was still in school.
we should go dancing!