I took the money, I spiked your drink
You miss too much these days if you stop to think.
You led me on with those innocent eyes
You know I love the element of surprise.
-U2, Until the End of the World
<<sigh>> I wish I could say more.
In any case, Wayne and I saw Exorcism of Emily Rose last night, and while it was good overall, I couldn't help thinking everytime Campbell Scott came on screen, Hey, I really have to watch "Singles" again. It's a damn good movie, and still quite relevant even after a decade. I'd add it to my films list but I don't think I have any room left.
There's a slew of horror films coming out this month, but I think I want to see Walk the Line with Joaquim Phoenix, especially since I read he does his own Johnny Cash singing.
WHICH reminds me (well not really, but I couldn't think of a transition here). When I was a freshman in college, I took this film class where we watched all the big artsy ones from all the genres... Fellini, Bunuel, etc... and there was this one movie by Bergman called Persona. It was black and white with really poorly placed subtitles, and yet, just as my instructor had promised, it had the most erotic scene I have ever viewed on film: and no one was naked. I have the film on tape somewhere; I caught it on PBS one day.
So I ask you, what do YOU think the most erotic scene in movie history is? and no, porn does not count.
You miss too much these days if you stop to think.
You led me on with those innocent eyes
You know I love the element of surprise.
-U2, Until the End of the World
<<sigh>> I wish I could say more.
In any case, Wayne and I saw Exorcism of Emily Rose last night, and while it was good overall, I couldn't help thinking everytime Campbell Scott came on screen, Hey, I really have to watch "Singles" again. It's a damn good movie, and still quite relevant even after a decade. I'd add it to my films list but I don't think I have any room left.

There's a slew of horror films coming out this month, but I think I want to see Walk the Line with Joaquim Phoenix, especially since I read he does his own Johnny Cash singing.
WHICH reminds me (well not really, but I couldn't think of a transition here). When I was a freshman in college, I took this film class where we watched all the big artsy ones from all the genres... Fellini, Bunuel, etc... and there was this one movie by Bergman called Persona. It was black and white with really poorly placed subtitles, and yet, just as my instructor had promised, it had the most erotic scene I have ever viewed on film: and no one was naked. I have the film on tape somewhere; I caught it on PBS one day.
So I ask you, what do YOU think the most erotic scene in movie history is? and no, porn does not count.

Having fun while I've been sick no doubt