I wanna bet your pussy ain't as pretty as mine
I don't hide my pussy like you do all the time
My pussy's just the sweetest thing that you've ever seen
Compared to mine your pussy's really ugly and mean
-Lords of Acid, "Pussy"
Can anyone tell me what the hell is the source of that stupid game we all played as kids: you know, the one where you turn your Big Wheel upside down and pedal the wheel with your hands and scream, "Ice cream!"???
What the F*CK were we thinking? That pedalling the giant wheel would make soft serve come out of our noses???!!!!
I don't hide my pussy like you do all the time
My pussy's just the sweetest thing that you've ever seen
Compared to mine your pussy's really ugly and mean
-Lords of Acid, "Pussy"
Can anyone tell me what the hell is the source of that stupid game we all played as kids: you know, the one where you turn your Big Wheel upside down and pedal the wheel with your hands and scream, "Ice cream!"???
What the F*CK were we thinking? That pedalling the giant wheel would make soft serve come out of our noses???!!!!

I have no clue what that is all about. We just played Doctor and stuff like that.

aww dear thank you