I figured Id spend my first thousand years of Hell in some entry-level position, but after that I wanted to move into management. Be a real team player. Hell is going see enormous growth in market share over the next millennium. I wanted to ride the crest.
-Tender Branson, Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
Dont get me wrong. Cervical cancer is nothing to joke about. And I love my cervix. I love my uterus. I love my vagina, my labia, and my clitoris. Especially my clitoris (but thats for another post). But the new ad campaign for raising awareness of cervical cancer is too weird and bizarre for me to take seriously. Many womens magazines are featuring tear-out postcards that you can send to a friend to raise her awareness of HPV, but the cartoon art on the cards is well, let me give you an example. Here is one postcard. Is it me, or do these women look hung-over? Or like overworked prostitutes? And who forms a chain to make a phone call anyway??
Now tell me you dont see a resemblance between that picture and say, this one:
Why doesnt the Institute of Public Health just drop the bullshit and offer THESE as tear-out postcards?
Of course, never put your cervix near an open flame.
-Tender Branson, Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
Dont get me wrong. Cervical cancer is nothing to joke about. And I love my cervix. I love my uterus. I love my vagina, my labia, and my clitoris. Especially my clitoris (but thats for another post). But the new ad campaign for raising awareness of cervical cancer is too weird and bizarre for me to take seriously. Many womens magazines are featuring tear-out postcards that you can send to a friend to raise her awareness of HPV, but the cartoon art on the cards is well, let me give you an example. Here is one postcard. Is it me, or do these women look hung-over? Or like overworked prostitutes? And who forms a chain to make a phone call anyway??

Now tell me you dont see a resemblance between that picture and say, this one:

Why doesnt the Institute of Public Health just drop the bullshit and offer THESE as tear-out postcards?

Of course, never put your cervix near an open flame.

I was really interested in seeing Art School Confidential, but the reviews were not too kind. I'll give it a shot when it's released on DVD. The preview made me laugh.