Those online critics, theyre a dime a dozen. Everybody with a mouth and a computer.
-Chef Assassin, in Chuck Palahniuks Haunted
I finally finished Crime and Punishment, and I have decided that I am just not very smart. I have no desire to read any more Russian literature, as in my opinion, it was just a very, very long after school special: Johnny kills an old lady, Johnny feels guilty, Johnny develops a psychosis, Johnny turns himself in! The moral of this story kids? DONT KILL OLD LADIES! Now for a break from our sponsor
Yesterday I went to Jens therapy session with her. My sleep schedule is a mess, and I found myself nodding off in the waiting room, debating if the couch was clean enough to curl up on and take a quick nap. At that moment, Jen appeared and asked me to sit in during the remainder of her session. Her therapist is one of those 1970s Free to Be You and Me kind of chicks, with the long, Crystal Gayle kind of hairdos, flowing skirts, and faded tiny-flower blouses that remind me of Laura on Little House on the Prairie. She wore dangling earrings of copper moons with smiley faces on them. I couldnt help but think that her demeanor and voice were so soothing, she was probably the girl everyone clung to when they were experiencing a bad trip on orange sunshine acid.
Last week bonfirecollapse and I went to the zoo in Mendon.
My favorite zoo animal is the capybara, and it was the first furry being to greet us.
One of the neatest exhibits in the zoo is the deer forest: an expansion of woods where the deer roam freely and walk up to visitors who can feed them.
We stalked a male deer through the brush, even though the sign clearly directed us to DONT CHASE THE ANIMALS!. Were just twisted that way. The best attraction was the family of lemurs; the baby lemur was small enough to fit through the bars, and he climbed out and hopped around, almost in arms reach of us.
Incidentally, hes now jumping around in the back of bonfirecollapses car.
Some final notes. I had a dream last night I was late for work, and they put me in a holding cell with the bad kids. And I am convinced I saw the suspected abductor of Molly Bish riding around on a bicycle at the Springfield fireworks. No connection there, just thought Id share.
And you thought you wouldnt use Algebra after high school!
-Chef Assassin, in Chuck Palahniuks Haunted
I finally finished Crime and Punishment, and I have decided that I am just not very smart. I have no desire to read any more Russian literature, as in my opinion, it was just a very, very long after school special: Johnny kills an old lady, Johnny feels guilty, Johnny develops a psychosis, Johnny turns himself in! The moral of this story kids? DONT KILL OLD LADIES! Now for a break from our sponsor
Yesterday I went to Jens therapy session with her. My sleep schedule is a mess, and I found myself nodding off in the waiting room, debating if the couch was clean enough to curl up on and take a quick nap. At that moment, Jen appeared and asked me to sit in during the remainder of her session. Her therapist is one of those 1970s Free to Be You and Me kind of chicks, with the long, Crystal Gayle kind of hairdos, flowing skirts, and faded tiny-flower blouses that remind me of Laura on Little House on the Prairie. She wore dangling earrings of copper moons with smiley faces on them. I couldnt help but think that her demeanor and voice were so soothing, she was probably the girl everyone clung to when they were experiencing a bad trip on orange sunshine acid.
Last week bonfirecollapse and I went to the zoo in Mendon.

My favorite zoo animal is the capybara, and it was the first furry being to greet us.

One of the neatest exhibits in the zoo is the deer forest: an expansion of woods where the deer roam freely and walk up to visitors who can feed them.

We stalked a male deer through the brush, even though the sign clearly directed us to DONT CHASE THE ANIMALS!. Were just twisted that way. The best attraction was the family of lemurs; the baby lemur was small enough to fit through the bars, and he climbed out and hopped around, almost in arms reach of us.

Incidentally, hes now jumping around in the back of bonfirecollapses car.
Some final notes. I had a dream last night I was late for work, and they put me in a holding cell with the bad kids. And I am convinced I saw the suspected abductor of Molly Bish riding around on a bicycle at the Springfield fireworks. No connection there, just thought Id share.

And you thought you wouldnt use Algebra after high school!

I have no desire to read Russian literature either. I am all for learning and expanding your horizons and all that...but reading should be fun/interesting/soothing/anything but work. It wouldn't be so bad, except it seems all of the 'good' Russian stuff is about 1200 pages long. Geesh.