Okay. Heres the definition.
Love is when you cant get someone out of your mind.
When theyre your first thought in the morning
and your last thought at night.
Maybe its not in your heart
but it IS in your head.
So do you think about Becky?
-Don Cheadle, United States of Leland
Hahahaha. Inside jokes abound. Cheadle's character really does say that last line, which is what I find so funny about it. Anyway, I saw this movie recently and it got me talking to friends about the definition of love, and I have come to the conclusion that there are many connotations to this scary and powerful word. I have narrowed them down to three; tell me if you agree.
First, there is the strongly enjoy definition. This is used not for people, but rather, inanimate objects that, at least in my world, border on obsession. For instance, I LOVE Quiznos Turkey-Bacon-Guacamole sandwiches, and I dont think I am misusing the term in any way! Second, there is the care for definition. While I would severely mourn the absence of such sandwiches on this earth, I dont particularly wonder about their well-being or jump to their defense if someone says something offensive about them. This second definition applies to family members, pets, and anyone you have an innate instinct to protect and care for. For instance, I LOVE my oldest friend, Liz. I might jump in front of a moving truck to push her out of harms way, but I wouldnt do so for the Quiznos food. Generally, its been my experience that this second type of love doesnt ever go away.
On the other hand, the third, and most scary, connotation is the romantic definition. This should be used, in the Terrakotta dictionary of life anyway, in terms of being IN love with someone. I think this is what Don Cheadles character was referring to in the film. Its the butterflies in the stomach, the reflex action to smile when you think of the person, and the immediate sensation of ecstasy when you catch a whiff of their scent when they are not there. Its scary because its not selfless, like the second definition. Its scary because it leaves you emotionally naked and open for heartache. Of course, its also the best natural high in the universe. Very yin and yang.
Wow. This turned into a really bland and introspective journal entry and Im feeling kind of annoyed about it. I really have to write about my trip to NYC this week and the hours I spent in my friend Lynns college roommates swanky apartment. Apparently, the yuppie-scum pod people have made the ex-roommate one of their leaders and while Lynn was horrified and apologized profusely when Joy and I finally escaped from the den of Why should I tip the porter of the building? The man touches garbage, for Gods sake (yes, this is a REAL quotation from the roommates mouth), we all had a good laugh debating which circle of hell she will be placed in, and Joy has plans to use the experience in a one-act play shes writing. As soon as the pictures are developed, I will share more.
Have a fabulous and warm New Years Eve dont let them kid you: this season is NOT for quiet introspection, its for gluttonous inebriation and unbridled lust. Ill be the one with a margarita in hand and the mistletoe taped to my bellybutton.
Love is when you cant get someone out of your mind.
When theyre your first thought in the morning
and your last thought at night.
Maybe its not in your heart
but it IS in your head.
So do you think about Becky?
-Don Cheadle, United States of Leland
Hahahaha. Inside jokes abound. Cheadle's character really does say that last line, which is what I find so funny about it. Anyway, I saw this movie recently and it got me talking to friends about the definition of love, and I have come to the conclusion that there are many connotations to this scary and powerful word. I have narrowed them down to three; tell me if you agree.
First, there is the strongly enjoy definition. This is used not for people, but rather, inanimate objects that, at least in my world, border on obsession. For instance, I LOVE Quiznos Turkey-Bacon-Guacamole sandwiches, and I dont think I am misusing the term in any way! Second, there is the care for definition. While I would severely mourn the absence of such sandwiches on this earth, I dont particularly wonder about their well-being or jump to their defense if someone says something offensive about them. This second definition applies to family members, pets, and anyone you have an innate instinct to protect and care for. For instance, I LOVE my oldest friend, Liz. I might jump in front of a moving truck to push her out of harms way, but I wouldnt do so for the Quiznos food. Generally, its been my experience that this second type of love doesnt ever go away.
On the other hand, the third, and most scary, connotation is the romantic definition. This should be used, in the Terrakotta dictionary of life anyway, in terms of being IN love with someone. I think this is what Don Cheadles character was referring to in the film. Its the butterflies in the stomach, the reflex action to smile when you think of the person, and the immediate sensation of ecstasy when you catch a whiff of their scent when they are not there. Its scary because its not selfless, like the second definition. Its scary because it leaves you emotionally naked and open for heartache. Of course, its also the best natural high in the universe. Very yin and yang.
Wow. This turned into a really bland and introspective journal entry and Im feeling kind of annoyed about it. I really have to write about my trip to NYC this week and the hours I spent in my friend Lynns college roommates swanky apartment. Apparently, the yuppie-scum pod people have made the ex-roommate one of their leaders and while Lynn was horrified and apologized profusely when Joy and I finally escaped from the den of Why should I tip the porter of the building? The man touches garbage, for Gods sake (yes, this is a REAL quotation from the roommates mouth), we all had a good laugh debating which circle of hell she will be placed in, and Joy has plans to use the experience in a one-act play shes writing. As soon as the pictures are developed, I will share more.
Have a fabulous and warm New Years Eve dont let them kid you: this season is NOT for quiet introspection, its for gluttonous inebriation and unbridled lust. Ill be the one with a margarita in hand and the mistletoe taped to my bellybutton.

That mistletoe trick sounds interesting, but doesn't it chafe?