If you would just be sensible,
you'd find me indispensable
Oh, wanting you here in the sheets,
Wandering around incomplete
Something that sets you apart,
Tightens your grip on my heart,
Don't ever let it go.
-Honeymoon Suite, Feel it Again
Ahhh, 80s love songs from pre-cocaine John Cusack movies: theyre not just for breakfast anymore.
Not much to tell today. Our small group of teachers raising money for breast cancer awareness managed to amass a sum of over $1000, our largest collection yet. Our leader, the head of guidance, accosted me in the front office this morning and told me the final figure. Then she kissed me on the cheek, but of course, unbeknownst to me, left a giant lipstick mark on my face. I didnt know about it until two periods later when a former student stopped me in the hall and told me.
Second, a student in one of my 10th grade classes is starting to freak me out a little bit. As I have told bonfire, she is quite observant of me. Its been two months since school began, and not a day has gone by where she hasnt commented on my appearance; not in a bad way, nor a compliment either just a comment. When I trimmed my hair last month, she was the only one who noticed. If I had a speck of chalk on my shirt, she noticed. Last week she even stopped me in the middle of a lesson to tell me one of my pants legs was slightly overturned. Its both endearing that she appears to be so attentive to me and yet kind of well, not just kind of lets face it, ITS CREEPY. Today she told me she had never seen soles like the ones on my shoes before. I lifted up my foot, and sure enough, there are outlines of flowers on the bottoms: something *I* never noticed, and I OWN THE DAMN THINGS. I guess the point to my story is, if I ever go missing, please instruct the police to interview this child ASAP. She will be able to give a detailed description of what I was wearing last, down to my sock color and millimeter of eyelashes. Where the hell was SHE when I was walking around with the pink lips branding on my face all morning??!!
Finally, a colleague of mine who I try to avoid like the plague (since she is the advisor to the Bible studies group at my school has been known to preach brimstone and hellfire to students in the Gay Straight Alliance group) stopped me in the mailroom this afternoon. I keep wanting to call you Maureen, she said. Maureen is not my name, mind you, nor is it anything similar. Oh? I said. (I mean what the fuck do you SAY to a comment like that? Yeah sometimes I feel like a Maureen myself. But today I am Rita ???!!!) Yes, she continued, because you remind me so much of Maureen on Guiding Light. ???? Alrighty then. Her cell phone began to ring and I took advantage of the opportunity to make a quick getaway. As I walked out the door, I thought, (A) how the hell is she watching soap operas when she is here working all day, and (B) just what kind of character IS this Maureen lady? Is she a villain? A demented lesbian psychopath plotting the destruction of fellow inhabitants of her fictional town? Is she in a coma? What the hell kind of comment was that anyway? Usually when you tell someone that he or she reminds you of someone, you make an unspoken agreement that both you AND the party you are speaking with are familiar with the reference. So if she said, You remind me of Katie Couric, I would be like, Oh okay, I am cute but vilely annoying or if she said, You remind me of Hilary Clinton, I would be like, Oh, alright, she thinks I am a closeted lesbian with bad hair. But making a comparison to a character on an obscure daytime television drama is just weird.
Speaking of daytime television, I saw an ad recently that Tyra Banks has her own talk show. WHO THE HELL GAVE THIS WOMAN A MICROPHONE??? And since when does having a kick-ass body and a bitch-slap diva attitude grant you the assumption of talent to speak with complete strangers? Isnt this woman supposed to be the devil incarnate when the cameras are off? Did she beat the producers to a pulp until they gave her a contract?
Okay I have waxed delirious for much too long. Time to do the dishes.
you'd find me indispensable
Oh, wanting you here in the sheets,
Wandering around incomplete
Something that sets you apart,
Tightens your grip on my heart,
Don't ever let it go.
-Honeymoon Suite, Feel it Again
Ahhh, 80s love songs from pre-cocaine John Cusack movies: theyre not just for breakfast anymore.
Not much to tell today. Our small group of teachers raising money for breast cancer awareness managed to amass a sum of over $1000, our largest collection yet. Our leader, the head of guidance, accosted me in the front office this morning and told me the final figure. Then she kissed me on the cheek, but of course, unbeknownst to me, left a giant lipstick mark on my face. I didnt know about it until two periods later when a former student stopped me in the hall and told me.
Second, a student in one of my 10th grade classes is starting to freak me out a little bit. As I have told bonfire, she is quite observant of me. Its been two months since school began, and not a day has gone by where she hasnt commented on my appearance; not in a bad way, nor a compliment either just a comment. When I trimmed my hair last month, she was the only one who noticed. If I had a speck of chalk on my shirt, she noticed. Last week she even stopped me in the middle of a lesson to tell me one of my pants legs was slightly overturned. Its both endearing that she appears to be so attentive to me and yet kind of well, not just kind of lets face it, ITS CREEPY. Today she told me she had never seen soles like the ones on my shoes before. I lifted up my foot, and sure enough, there are outlines of flowers on the bottoms: something *I* never noticed, and I OWN THE DAMN THINGS. I guess the point to my story is, if I ever go missing, please instruct the police to interview this child ASAP. She will be able to give a detailed description of what I was wearing last, down to my sock color and millimeter of eyelashes. Where the hell was SHE when I was walking around with the pink lips branding on my face all morning??!!
Finally, a colleague of mine who I try to avoid like the plague (since she is the advisor to the Bible studies group at my school has been known to preach brimstone and hellfire to students in the Gay Straight Alliance group) stopped me in the mailroom this afternoon. I keep wanting to call you Maureen, she said. Maureen is not my name, mind you, nor is it anything similar. Oh? I said. (I mean what the fuck do you SAY to a comment like that? Yeah sometimes I feel like a Maureen myself. But today I am Rita ???!!!) Yes, she continued, because you remind me so much of Maureen on Guiding Light. ???? Alrighty then. Her cell phone began to ring and I took advantage of the opportunity to make a quick getaway. As I walked out the door, I thought, (A) how the hell is she watching soap operas when she is here working all day, and (B) just what kind of character IS this Maureen lady? Is she a villain? A demented lesbian psychopath plotting the destruction of fellow inhabitants of her fictional town? Is she in a coma? What the hell kind of comment was that anyway? Usually when you tell someone that he or she reminds you of someone, you make an unspoken agreement that both you AND the party you are speaking with are familiar with the reference. So if she said, You remind me of Katie Couric, I would be like, Oh okay, I am cute but vilely annoying or if she said, You remind me of Hilary Clinton, I would be like, Oh, alright, she thinks I am a closeted lesbian with bad hair. But making a comparison to a character on an obscure daytime television drama is just weird.
Speaking of daytime television, I saw an ad recently that Tyra Banks has her own talk show. WHO THE HELL GAVE THIS WOMAN A MICROPHONE??? And since when does having a kick-ass body and a bitch-slap diva attitude grant you the assumption of talent to speak with complete strangers? Isnt this woman supposed to be the devil incarnate when the cameras are off? Did she beat the producers to a pulp until they gave her a contract?
Okay I have waxed delirious for much too long. Time to do the dishes.

I forgot to mention that she WAS in a car accident last year or something and informed us all that she biked EVERY morning to school from Montague...18 miles!! Now the girl is in shape but she doesn't seem to be a Lance Armstrong.
And if you are enraged about Tyra Banks having been given a microphone and talk show have you seen her latest stunt? She dressed up in a "fat suit" and tried to pick up guys and then "scientifically" reported back that she couldn't believe how rude men were to her. Am I missing something here? Is this news that we didn't already know? Perhaps there is hope for those of us who have no idea what they want to be when they grow up
My uncle's friend of a friend is a big-wig at ILM so we're off down there to see her about me and work and stuff. Nowt'll come of it but it'll be cool to see how they operate, what software they use n stuff.
As for the move, if Andrew tells me about how he could have bought his house 5 years ago and made half a million dollars profit, 1 more time i'm gonna cry. I know it's heavy, but fuckin hell, look to the future not the past.
Ah... I'm calling it...
rant terminated at 09:27