Gangsters and Thugs
Criminals and Hoods
Some of my friends sell records
Some of my friends sell drugs
-The Transplants
I have lost two SG friends in the past week: nickles cancelled his account because he is too sick to post anymore, and Vanzetti, my first friend here and the person who convinced me both to post my picture and start writing in my journal in the first place, was banned by SG for reasons even he is unaware of.
Okay, so, according to bearr, I should post 20 facts about myself. This will be hard, since (A) most of you know all the embarrassing crap about me already from my rantings in my journal since June, and (B) I am just not that interesting. But I expect quid-pro-quo here people! Get working on YOUR 20!!!
1. The number of financial debts I have is outnumbered by the amount of cats in my apartment. The number of cats in my apartment is outnumbered by the amount of vibrators I own.
2. I drive a Honda. Fuck American-made: I mate for life, and I needed a vehicle that would drive for decades. So far Ive had it for 7 years.
3. I have a girl crush on a student-teacher at my school: she is tattooed and pierced and so amazing looking that when she is talking to me, I only hear Charlie Browns teachers voice.
4. I once dated guy twice my age, but Ive never dated a guy more than 5 years younger than me.
5. I was going to attend veterinary school in my 20s but after working a job as a vet tech/nurse for a year at a clinic, I realized I get just too damn emotionally attached to animals.
6. I went to graduate school not because I had a career plan, but because I was too lazy to get a job.
7. I have a degree in Psychology. Which I've only used to ponder just how fucked up I might be.
8. I had a speech impediment when I was a kid, an eating disorder when I was a teenager, and a panic disorder when I was in college.
9. I was a film major for a year in college and only changed majors because I dropped out of B.U. and the next college didnt have a film department.
10. I once had a job writing eulogies for a medical school alumni journal. I quit within months of starting.
11. I was with the same guy from age 21 to age 30 and was even married to him for 5 years. But the only remnants of that time now is my phone bill (he works for Verizon and I still scam discounted service off his employee number, unbeknownst to him) and the last name I still use for teaching.
12. I havent cried out of sadness in almost a year.
13. I attended my divorce proceeding and had my first AIDS test (last year) alone. They were both negative, but I feel proud of myself for doing them without someone being there to hold my hand.
14. I have never been pregnant nor plan to be, but I think it must be an amazing experience to have a human being growing inside yourself.
15. I have kissed every one of my closest friends on the mouth and never found any of the experiences to be erotic.
16. I have never been out of the country.
17. I have never flown on a plane by myself.
18. I spent my first two years of high school as a metal-head and used to blow dry my hair straight up in the air with hairspray. Then another group of friends had an intervention and remade me, AllySheedy-BreakfastClub-style, into a Heather. I am both frightened by the sheer amount of scrunchees I owned and proud to say I still think Master of Puppets is a kick-ass album.
19. I am obsessed with the Southwestern Eggrolls from Chilis restaurant, and if someone were to spontaneously bring me an order for takeout, I might jump on them naked from the sheer happiness.
20. I truly feel that right now, I am the most sane and happy person I have been in my entire life.
Okay friends, your turn!
Criminals and Hoods
Some of my friends sell records
Some of my friends sell drugs
-The Transplants
I have lost two SG friends in the past week: nickles cancelled his account because he is too sick to post anymore, and Vanzetti, my first friend here and the person who convinced me both to post my picture and start writing in my journal in the first place, was banned by SG for reasons even he is unaware of.

Okay, so, according to bearr, I should post 20 facts about myself. This will be hard, since (A) most of you know all the embarrassing crap about me already from my rantings in my journal since June, and (B) I am just not that interesting. But I expect quid-pro-quo here people! Get working on YOUR 20!!!
1. The number of financial debts I have is outnumbered by the amount of cats in my apartment. The number of cats in my apartment is outnumbered by the amount of vibrators I own.
2. I drive a Honda. Fuck American-made: I mate for life, and I needed a vehicle that would drive for decades. So far Ive had it for 7 years.
3. I have a girl crush on a student-teacher at my school: she is tattooed and pierced and so amazing looking that when she is talking to me, I only hear Charlie Browns teachers voice.
4. I once dated guy twice my age, but Ive never dated a guy more than 5 years younger than me.
5. I was going to attend veterinary school in my 20s but after working a job as a vet tech/nurse for a year at a clinic, I realized I get just too damn emotionally attached to animals.
6. I went to graduate school not because I had a career plan, but because I was too lazy to get a job.
7. I have a degree in Psychology. Which I've only used to ponder just how fucked up I might be.
8. I had a speech impediment when I was a kid, an eating disorder when I was a teenager, and a panic disorder when I was in college.
9. I was a film major for a year in college and only changed majors because I dropped out of B.U. and the next college didnt have a film department.
10. I once had a job writing eulogies for a medical school alumni journal. I quit within months of starting.
11. I was with the same guy from age 21 to age 30 and was even married to him for 5 years. But the only remnants of that time now is my phone bill (he works for Verizon and I still scam discounted service off his employee number, unbeknownst to him) and the last name I still use for teaching.
12. I havent cried out of sadness in almost a year.
13. I attended my divorce proceeding and had my first AIDS test (last year) alone. They were both negative, but I feel proud of myself for doing them without someone being there to hold my hand.
14. I have never been pregnant nor plan to be, but I think it must be an amazing experience to have a human being growing inside yourself.
15. I have kissed every one of my closest friends on the mouth and never found any of the experiences to be erotic.
16. I have never been out of the country.
17. I have never flown on a plane by myself.
18. I spent my first two years of high school as a metal-head and used to blow dry my hair straight up in the air with hairspray. Then another group of friends had an intervention and remade me, AllySheedy-BreakfastClub-style, into a Heather. I am both frightened by the sheer amount of scrunchees I owned and proud to say I still think Master of Puppets is a kick-ass album.
19. I am obsessed with the Southwestern Eggrolls from Chilis restaurant, and if someone were to spontaneously bring me an order for takeout, I might jump on them naked from the sheer happiness.
20. I truly feel that right now, I am the most sane and happy person I have been in my entire life.
Okay friends, your turn!

live journal