Blood Freak is a good Thanksgiving day movie. Its about a vietnam vet that smokes some super weed and eats genetically modified turkey meat. This causes him to turn into a homicidal turkey monster. The movie was released in 1972 and is on dvd.
found bird wings and feathers in the kitchen - My cat has bloodlust.
I'm halfway through the book "Out" by Natsuo Kirino. Its a great thriller so far.
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are somethings
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.

Donald Rumsfeld Feb. 12.2002
I've been on a Sanford and Son bender, Love that show. You old fish eyed fool.
I wish I was at Gray's Papaya on 37th and 8th ave. having a pina colada and a hot dog.