Feeling a bit mopey again, despite prior claims to have willed that feeling out of being. Something about 10pm+ just hits me and makes me grasp for something to lean on. Tonight, it is a bottle of wine.
Since I've started drinking I've not been in a situation that has put me emotionally on the rocks, and now that I am it is horribly scary. I come from an alcoholic family so I've always told myself I wouldn't drink and once I started drinking I told myself I wouldn't use it as an escape.
A little chat window to her is open still, from my previous conversations with her earlier in the day, but it really won't do me any good to tell her about this, in fact I'm pretty sure that my emotional outpouring is what started the pull away from me in the first place. Oop, she signed off just now, probably a good thing once I start getting drunk.
Since I've started drinking I've not been in a situation that has put me emotionally on the rocks, and now that I am it is horribly scary. I come from an alcoholic family so I've always told myself I wouldn't drink and once I started drinking I told myself I wouldn't use it as an escape.
A little chat window to her is open still, from my previous conversations with her earlier in the day, but it really won't do me any good to tell her about this, in fact I'm pretty sure that my emotional outpouring is what started the pull away from me in the first place. Oop, she signed off just now, probably a good thing once I start getting drunk.