Wow, busy ass week. Too much work and booze(not together). Not alot new. Been hanging out with the girl a little
. I really need to do laundry and go buy groceries but what fun is that on a sunday. I want to go down south and just hang out on a warm beach and hike around and stuff. Oh that reminds me, I'm trying hard to quit smoking.......
Alot of wierd shit has been happening to me lately. Example 1) I was at the post office the other day in line behind two guys. To my left is an older woman wearing a neck brace, writing a letter. She has a little cardboard box at her feet. It has holes in it and a picture of a cat, like a little travel thing. So she turns around and says to me "you know I'm behind those two, right?" I was like ok what ever and didn't reply. Then she says "get used to it" what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I again said nothing. What good would it have been to start a scene with a 60 year old woman wearing a neck brace in a post office right? So she procedes to cut in front of me and starts rocking back and forth. Then she starts fucking dancing! Like flailing and shit and everyone is looking at her like holy shit you crazy bitch! So while she is dancing the line is moving and she is kicking along this little box with who knows what inside of it. I was pissed that she was such abitch at first but then I thought about her dancing with the neck brace and it was funny as hell.
Example 2) This might not seem so wierd without the background info but......... I had a really random dream about an ex from Colorado that moved here around the same time I did. We hung out a little but I haven't seen or talked to her in at least six months. So I have this odd dream and the next morning I started thinking that it would be cool if she called (I lost my phone and her number months ago) So Im on the train headed to work, I step off, start walking to the stairs and their she is walking up the stairs. I take that fucking train every day and have never seen her. So we start talking and she tells me she is moving to Texas. Texas? What the fuck is in Texas? I thought she had moved to New Zealand with her man, that's where he is from, but nope. Texas
yeah so i'm gonna go do something now. what you ask, fuck if i know
update:Mirah was great last night. Too lazy to write more so yeah off to work as usual. Oh and just out of nowhere my crush on that girl has dissapeared, vanished, strange!

Alot of wierd shit has been happening to me lately. Example 1) I was at the post office the other day in line behind two guys. To my left is an older woman wearing a neck brace, writing a letter. She has a little cardboard box at her feet. It has holes in it and a picture of a cat, like a little travel thing. So she turns around and says to me "you know I'm behind those two, right?" I was like ok what ever and didn't reply. Then she says "get used to it" what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I again said nothing. What good would it have been to start a scene with a 60 year old woman wearing a neck brace in a post office right? So she procedes to cut in front of me and starts rocking back and forth. Then she starts fucking dancing! Like flailing and shit and everyone is looking at her like holy shit you crazy bitch! So while she is dancing the line is moving and she is kicking along this little box with who knows what inside of it. I was pissed that she was such abitch at first but then I thought about her dancing with the neck brace and it was funny as hell.
Example 2) This might not seem so wierd without the background info but......... I had a really random dream about an ex from Colorado that moved here around the same time I did. We hung out a little but I haven't seen or talked to her in at least six months. So I have this odd dream and the next morning I started thinking that it would be cool if she called (I lost my phone and her number months ago) So Im on the train headed to work, I step off, start walking to the stairs and their she is walking up the stairs. I take that fucking train every day and have never seen her. So we start talking and she tells me she is moving to Texas. Texas? What the fuck is in Texas? I thought she had moved to New Zealand with her man, that's where he is from, but nope. Texas
yeah so i'm gonna go do something now. what you ask, fuck if i know
update:Mirah was great last night. Too lazy to write more so yeah off to work as usual. Oh and just out of nowhere my crush on that girl has dissapeared, vanished, strange!
Ha thats hilarious..... Besides being stuck in the middle of a bunch of santas that would have made my night...
I have to work both jobs mon- wed.... Maybe Thursday we can get drinks... Or Friday.. Or Saturday... Oh Mile High Club on Saturday.. Tons of fun.... Enjoy your day off....

consider it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What evil plans shal we conjur up????