I've been trying to identify the factors in my life that are making me bored/unhappy lately. 1. Social life lately is pretty boring. I'm tired of going out and drinking but it seems like that is all anyone does around here. 2. Lack of people here that really know me or even want to. 3. Roomate/"best friend" is so fucked up all the time i don't even want to see his face. Last night my friend called me and said that he was falling on his face in the middle of the street and barking at people. Embarrasing. Im not a fucking babysitter. Grow up. 4. Where are all the interesting girls? I've been waiting over a year, trying not to push myself into some contrived, meaningless relationship that I know is bad for me. I'm starting to think they are extinct or else live far, far away like in Canada
. Im not really that unhappy, just mostly bored I guess. I think I need to be more active. Wake up before 9, go out and do things. I also need to pick up my guitar more. I've been slacking lately. Well this sounds like a good start.


All the hot, interesting girls live in Canada. We have this big secret factory where they're all made. They let them loose in the summer time and in september when school starts and then they disappear in the winter time and do "indoor activities"
for 5 months. That's how we keep warm!