Finally feeling a LITTLE better. Need food, and a good massage. So I've been hanging out with this girl for like 2 months now. She is 30 and I am 23, I have no problem with that. The thing is she only calls me maybe once or twice a week and only when she wants sex. I am her booty call. At first it worked out for both of us because she didn't want a relationship and I didn't want one with her. We both pretty much just found each other very attractive. My Problem: every time we hang out it's the same thing, we go to a bar talk about the same boring shit for like two hours and then go to my place. I don't know if I can take much more. It just seems fake. We don't even have anything in common. She's from South Beach and is a total Florida party girl and I'm just not anything like that. But then she always tells me how much she likes me. AHHHHHHHRGRGGGG! confusion
sex is sex though
sex is sex though
Wow, I have TOTALLY been there. I was 24 and she was 33. Fun for a while and then just got old. I bowed out gracefully ( I was just honest with her ) and it was all good.
no problem. we gotta hang out and make that vouch worth it though! cuz i can't take it back.
hah. the 24th i'm actually going to the bridge school benefit.