well, since we have just started an operation in iraq, i wonder what people are thinking. i wonder why some are all for it and why some are all against it. what makes you decide that this is right or wrong. many reasons, to be sure. but who's right. is anyone. is this just another step to the downfall of humanity, or territorial pissings, or shadow politicsat their most blatant. does it really matter. everyone has an opinion and they all differ in some way. perhaps that's why things like this happen. too many opinions, not enough interest in why we have those opinions. who cares why as long as the singular gets what that one wants. "what difference does it make what you want, i want this. and i have to be right because i'm me. you're not me. i am most important." it might sound extreme but ask yourself, why am i doing this. what drives me to think what i think. what makes me what i am. is it kindness, greed, love, hatered. can opposite emotions elicit the same thing from different people. how can they judge me if they haven't walked in my shoes. but how can i judge them if i haven't seen throught their eyes. how am i right in contrast to anyone else. how are they right compared to me.
aaron would be against it if buddha were involved.
aaron is a pig