So here I am, a full week since my last post, and STILL residually sick. I finally got some antibiotics and they seem to be helping me out, so I'm glad. I can't wait till I feel fully better again! I miss the gym, I miss going out, and I miss just feeling healthy! I hate being sick, so much. It makes me lethargic, it makes me cranky, it makes it difficult to do a lot of things...
So thank goodness I'm on the mend!
Thank you for everyone that sent me well wishes
I appreciate it!
What's new in SG land?
I decided to get on the ball with things today. I have my job, and I hate my job. Soooo, since I do have a source of income, I have the novelty of looking for a new one, and being picky. When I was unemployed I didn't have the novelty of being picky. Now that I have a source of income (though it is less than what I was making, and bills are TIGHT) I can search for something else!
What do I do? I am part of an inbound calling center for United Health Care. I provide Dental Offices and Insurance members with Dental benefit information, allllll dayyyy long. I sit in a cube (Whose previous occupant was a SLOB... man oh man did I have to clean that cube) and talk with my head set in... staring at a screen that hurts my eyes and not seeing any people or daylight for 8-10 hours. That is SO not me. I like interacting with people. I like traveling. I like the outdoors. I like LIVING!
So yeah, I'm gonna look for another job. Like yesterday.
Only I control the direction of my life... and I'm gonna move forward! I'm getting back into school, I'm cutting out the douche/tool bags that never cared, and I'm moving on!
My sister and I are trying to motivate each other to do positive things, instead of wasting time.
I love you Sister! With all of my heart.
Now it's time to email people back, and try to think of something to paint my Bestie's babygirl for her Birthday party tomorrow.
Love love love you all!
So thank goodness I'm on the mend!
Thank you for everyone that sent me well wishes

What's new in SG land?
I decided to get on the ball with things today. I have my job, and I hate my job. Soooo, since I do have a source of income, I have the novelty of looking for a new one, and being picky. When I was unemployed I didn't have the novelty of being picky. Now that I have a source of income (though it is less than what I was making, and bills are TIGHT) I can search for something else!
What do I do? I am part of an inbound calling center for United Health Care. I provide Dental Offices and Insurance members with Dental benefit information, allllll dayyyy long. I sit in a cube (Whose previous occupant was a SLOB... man oh man did I have to clean that cube) and talk with my head set in... staring at a screen that hurts my eyes and not seeing any people or daylight for 8-10 hours. That is SO not me. I like interacting with people. I like traveling. I like the outdoors. I like LIVING!
So yeah, I'm gonna look for another job. Like yesterday.
Only I control the direction of my life... and I'm gonna move forward! I'm getting back into school, I'm cutting out the douche/tool bags that never cared, and I'm moving on!

I love you Sister! With all of my heart.

Now it's time to email people back, and try to think of something to paint my Bestie's babygirl for her Birthday party tomorrow.
Love love love you all!

SEe you after work :-)