[Music: Morphine - Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer]
I used to live on the top floor of an apartment where my buzzer was the bottom one. At the time, I had yet to be broken in to the world of Morphine (the band...), and hence missed my opportunity to make major-league lame references to it whilst I lived there.
It's these small things I ought to be thankful for.
Earlier on, Mondo said "Remind me not to smooth over the top of anything we've ever done again".
The other day, whilst driving to some gig or another, we passed a single-mother stereotype with two young children in tow. Mondo, apparently addressing the mother, said "What lovely children... It's a shame you've ruined thier lives by having them on a Council estate..."
There's funny, and then there's funny.
And then there's Mondo.
Still got gmail invites if anyone's even remotely interested anymore. It rocks, for what it's worth.
Hmmm... what else? Oh, yes. "Oaf" is a hilarious word, and an even funnier name.
Ask Emmy, and she'd tell you Shovel is a pretty funny word aswell.
Beat Zer0 - Night Of The Curse Of The Bride Of The Monster
It's a belated halloween treat. I wrote/recorded it 2 years ago. For halloween. It's from my geek-core project, Beat Zer0.
See you later
I used to live on the top floor of an apartment where my buzzer was the bottom one. At the time, I had yet to be broken in to the world of Morphine (the band...), and hence missed my opportunity to make major-league lame references to it whilst I lived there.
It's these small things I ought to be thankful for.
Earlier on, Mondo said "Remind me not to smooth over the top of anything we've ever done again".
The other day, whilst driving to some gig or another, we passed a single-mother stereotype with two young children in tow. Mondo, apparently addressing the mother, said "What lovely children... It's a shame you've ruined thier lives by having them on a Council estate..."
There's funny, and then there's funny.
And then there's Mondo.
Still got gmail invites if anyone's even remotely interested anymore. It rocks, for what it's worth.
Hmmm... what else? Oh, yes. "Oaf" is a hilarious word, and an even funnier name.
Ask Emmy, and she'd tell you Shovel is a pretty funny word aswell.
Beat Zer0 - Night Of The Curse Of The Bride Of The Monster
It's a belated halloween treat. I wrote/recorded it 2 years ago. For halloween. It's from my geek-core project, Beat Zer0.
See you later

No word on gigs yet, the man in charge has just gone on holiday the swine!