So everything is well underway now.
Tickets have been booked and will be paid for tomorrow (god bless you credit card)
Stuff is starting to be sold (to pay for the credit card...see above)
Passports are just about in the mail (thanks to my dad for something in my life...being born in the UK)
And generally I am excited and freaking out all at the...
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Tickets have been booked and will be paid for tomorrow (god bless you credit card)
Stuff is starting to be sold (to pay for the credit card...see above)
Passports are just about in the mail (thanks to my dad for something in my life...being born in the UK)
And generally I am excited and freaking out all at the...
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You have noticed just how long it has been since I updated this...
I guess now is a good time to get something on here relating to how and who I am at the moment.
Actually that last one is a little tricky to answer so i will stick to the first question.
I am in a state of flux at the moment as I...
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I guess now is a good time to get something on here relating to how and who I am at the moment.
Actually that last one is a little tricky to answer so i will stick to the first question.
I am in a state of flux at the moment as I...
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i just came up with that...i am FULL of them today!

i just came up with that...i am FULL of them today!

The reason for the season...
The reason for the season...
Santa has already come on my side of the world...
So...I have my hand halfway up a turkey, I'm not stuffing it. Just doing it for kicks...
Merry Xmas!
So...I have my hand halfway up a turkey, I'm not stuffing it. Just doing it for kicks...
Merry Xmas!
So it is well and truly the silly season...
BTW this could be the most frustratingly slow post in the entire world, as i am trying to teach myself to touch type. my god it's painful so we will see how long that one lasts.
Anyway on to the whole reason for this post...
It's nearly christmas and I don't feel the least bit cheery,...
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BTW this could be the most frustratingly slow post in the entire world, as i am trying to teach myself to touch type. my god it's painful so we will see how long that one lasts.
Anyway on to the whole reason for this post...
It's nearly christmas and I don't feel the least bit cheery,...
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I have discovered a little bit of who I was...
Just a tiny piece of who and how I should be...
Now all I need to do is hang on to that shred and make fire...
The fact that I am writing, even if it is the smallest sliver is a good sign...
Where to next?
Just a tiny piece of who and how I should be...
Now all I need to do is hang on to that shred and make fire...
The fact that I am writing, even if it is the smallest sliver is a good sign...
Where to next?
Happy Birthday!!! 

At very nearly (in three weeks) 31 I have brought my first skateboard...
Any tips?
Apart from try not to break bones.
At very nearly (in three weeks) 31 I have brought my first skateboard...
Any tips?
Apart from try not to break bones.

why thank you sir

So life has been pretty crazy lately...mainly just because of the work thing.
Actually to be honest I think my actual life has pretty much gone on hold. Which is not a good thing.
Good things on the horizon is that my girl is here this weekend (living in seperate cities sucks...but what ya gonna do)
And that today I am having a bit of...
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Actually to be honest I think my actual life has pretty much gone on hold. Which is not a good thing.
Good things on the horizon is that my girl is here this weekend (living in seperate cities sucks...but what ya gonna do)
And that today I am having a bit of...
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So my silver lining has been burst...
Boo - 12:26am and I am still at work again.
Don't know if I can keep doing my job, but what the fuck happened to my life?
Boo - 12:26am and I am still at work again.
Don't know if I can keep doing my job, but what the fuck happened to my life?

Oh it's good times at Tepo towers at the moment...
YAY = My New Macbook arrives in a couple of weeks
YAY = I have new trusty stead (his name is Ben)
YAY = I got to see my girl for a dirty weekend in Taupo
YAY = I have found a new place to live
So all in all good times at the moment....
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YAY = My New Macbook arrives in a couple of weeks
YAY = I have new trusty stead (his name is Ben)
YAY = I got to see my girl for a dirty weekend in Taupo
YAY = I have found a new place to live
So all in all good times at the moment....
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Well it's 12:02am
I am still at work...
It's gonna be an all nighter folks...
I am still at work...
It's gonna be an all nighter folks...

Flying through Thailand or the US?
Ive been living in London the past 5 years before coming here to france, so get in touch... I might be able to put a good word in here or there for you work wise.
You are very lucky to have an EU passport... I have to keep moving around!!