Thank you, mysterious benefactor who bought me time. I'm back now, at least for a bit. I have my suspicions of swho you are, but I'll keep those to myself in case of the very likely event that I am wrong.
There's news, but I'm sitting on it for now. Been a busy long while, in any case, and I am a better man for...
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There's news, but I'm sitting on it for now. Been a busy long while, in any case, and I am a better man for...
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Yay for free nude pictures, eh?
Though in general I hate television, every now and then I watch it all the same. I really like Cops. It's kind of a reminder, really... no matter how bleak things look right now, at least I'm not an eighty pound heroin addict being chased down the street by a half naked Will Shatner. You know?
Things are alright.
Things are alright.
we should totally go for drinks sometime!
when's good for you?
when's good for you?
guess who's back?
guess who's back?
Dangers of not using--and by extension, not cleaning--a room in one's house that is inhabited by a man known to perpetually wallow in filth include such lovely, lovely presences as indoor insect swarms. Know how sometimes you're walking outside, and you get near something with fruit on it, and all of a sudden you can't fucking see because you're walking through a cloud of tiny...
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So. Random aside.
It's really fucking weird sleeping from eight AM to four PM local time. Kind of makes it awkward to get anything fucking done during the day too. I either get to "stay up" 'til places open, or drag my ass out of bed before they close.
In conclusion, working nights, while it does kind of blow, at least means I get to...
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It's really fucking weird sleeping from eight AM to four PM local time. Kind of makes it awkward to get anything fucking done during the day too. I either get to "stay up" 'til places open, or drag my ass out of bed before they close.
In conclusion, working nights, while it does kind of blow, at least means I get to...
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I know who Lindsey Lohan is simply because I find it to be a challenge to NOT know about her and Paris Hiltons lives now a days. I just recently learned that Lindsey Lohan is an actress. I really had NO idea why she was on TV all the fuckin time. Selma Hayek however is in a number of good to great movies with a number of good to great roles. And she's hot.
So yeah. Long time no talk, eh? I know, I know, I am a bad friend. I'll see about writing more, even when I have shit all to say. Especially when I have shit all to say, as that is pretty much all the time. So, in the absence of any real content, let me tell you a story. This particular story is something I...
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Happy new beer... er... year. And all the rest of that. I guess it's a very Tensixish thing to do, disappearing at random right after I came back. It's kind of my thing, vanishing when I don't mean to. Sucks. And as per usual, I haven't even been busy either Aside from the obligatory family Christmas visit, about all I have done since the 22nd...
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So. I exist again.
Funny story about that. In short, the bank was being a tool, and I ended up losing most of my moneys, as well as my credit card. It is kind of humbling to have a bank account with 57 cents in it. It sucked a lot. More specifically, it sucked on donkey penises. You can watch the reruns on Pay Per...
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Funny story about that. In short, the bank was being a tool, and I ended up losing most of my moneys, as well as my credit card. It is kind of humbling to have a bank account with 57 cents in it. It sucked a lot. More specifically, it sucked on donkey penises. You can watch the reruns on Pay Per...
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So yeah. In essence, I am presently living above a large, marginally stable shrapnel bomb.
Amongst other gongshows that have happened with this house, the furnace has been giving us problems. It documents itself as being due to be cleaned in 2002. I am uncertain of the last time it was inspected. Other stickers of last work done plastered to it go back as far...
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Amongst other gongshows that have happened with this house, the furnace has been giving us problems. It documents itself as being due to be cleaned in 2002. I am uncertain of the last time it was inspected. Other stickers of last work done plastered to it go back as far...
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It is weird hanging out with MistressMinx sometimes, because my brain references her as "Minx" except it's kind of odd to call her that around other humans who have no idea where it comes from. This is apparently an oddity for her (and, for that matter, Decibel) as well.
So yeah, I'm not actually dead or in jail in case there was a pool...
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So yeah, I'm not actually dead or in jail in case there was a pool...
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Since you're never around leaving this comment may be a waste of time. If so. I'll have you killed. Tah tah.
So I am back home now. Huzzah for that!! And yeah, next time I ever think about doing something like that again, I need volunteers to come kick me in the groin repeatedly until I change my mind. Decibel has already volunteered, and I will grant that with the number of times that dude tends to can me on a regular basis anyway he's more...
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Dude. Just. Do. Not. Do. That. Again. NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!
You don't need a lass that bad. Nobody does. Trust The Good Reverend.
You don't need a lass that bad. Nobody does. Trust The Good Reverend.