Everything you need to know about this fruit, which I bought in an Indian grocery, but seems to be associated more with Central & South America...

Let's see if I can up with something interesting to say...
Are you on IMDB? I don't mean to be a pest about this, but there is confidential industry information in some of our threads and I don't want being read by the general public. I just want to make sure you are indeed a working member of the filmmaking community. Hope that makes sense without sounding horribly snobby. blush
danger, danger... high voltage! wink
When Godard broke rules no one had done it before. Today there are tens of thousands of individuals who have nothing to lose with cameras and editing equipment. So the rules of the game are different for sure.
If you are interested in appying to the filmmakers group I will need some credits. smile
i think that people pretend it matters because we want it to matter. i.e. i think it is impossible that for as long as there are people, regardless of their wishes, that there is no mattering.
people are the type of creatures that can't live without meaning; our world is constructed by the meaning we give it. everything matters only because of its context (which is purely meningful) and does not matter in itself.

but what the fuck do *i* know. I'm a hideggarian.
So I've been reading a lot of Leaves of Grass on the toilet. I don't know why. I just take it in with me, and flip to a page. Coincidentally it the Norton Critical Edition so there are all sorts of essays and criticism that are included. Today, I walked into the bathroom as usual, at my place of work, one of my places of...
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It is an overcast day. The coffeeshop is full of people, of various colors of skin. The style of the coffeeshop is bourgeoise hip. Two hot girls are moving back and forth behind the counter, talking and cleaning. A plain, plump girl also works behind the counter. Everyone in the coffeeshop is stylishly dressed up or dressed down. Outside there are...
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To give up desire, is to give up having fun.

That may seem like a fairly obvious statement to most of the people on here, but there are many people who have given up desire. They have abandoned it as nostalgic, locked it away because of the control it exerts on them, condemned it to irrelevance because they see in opposition to a religious or...
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RE: your comment in my journal

What's "the sex thing" I have?
I cannot seem to get myself right with this. I have a tough time exerting my identity on these online journals, because it seems so fabricated. I mean, I am constructing an identity, I am not living it. Arrrggghhh, it's my brain that does this. My brain...

I am TOO aware of an imaginary audience...