When Godard broke rules no one had done it before. Today there are tens of thousands of individuals who have nothing to lose with cameras and editing equipment. So the rules of the game are different for sure.
i think that people pretend it matters because we want it to matter. i.e. i think it is impossible that for as long as there are people, regardless of their wishes, that there is no mattering.
people are the type of creatures that can't live without meaning; our world is constructed by the meaning we give it. everything matters only because of its context (which is purely meningful) and does not matter in itself.
people are the type of creatures that can't live without meaning; our world is constructed by the meaning we give it. everything matters only because of its context (which is purely meningful) and does not matter in itself.
but what the fuck do *i* know. I'm a hideggarian.