I have a shrinking image of the world, therefore I end up not liking a lot of the things I am doing. I can't remember why I chose to do them. By the time I get around to asking myself why I'm doing them, all I can see is the other people in my life who think I'm supposed to do them. "This is what other people want me to do." What do I want to do? Doesn't cross my mind most days. I listen to what my boss says. I get frustrated when my Dad says I should reconsider leaving. I am financially intertwined with a woman I often fail to notice. Somehow all this seems to be related to the bubble that I can sometimes exist in. No one is gone though. Nothing is done for. Even I can pop out of my bubble for something special.
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 15, 2005
Unshaven old men. Piles of dirty snow. People pass. Vaguely famili… -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
The snow is blown off the roofs. Chevrolets. White men. A co… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
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Saturday Dec 03, 2005
Yes, drunk. -
Friday Dec 02, 2005
Visits to the doctor, eating stuff that is not shit, keeping up with … -
Wednesday Nov 30, 2005
When I get hurt, I go up here. In my head. I know so many people who … -
Sunday Nov 27, 2005
I use labels to help myself make transitions. I become curious about … -
Friday Nov 18, 2005
I don't know how to play any instruments. I have nothing. My voice ha… -
Friday Nov 18, 2005
How come I don't care anymore? -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2005
It is nice to ocassionally be reminded of why there are more importan…