I have a shrinking image of the world, therefore I end up not liking a lot of the things I am doing. I can't remember why I chose to do them. By the time I get around to asking myself why I'm doing them, all I can see is the other people in my life who think I'm supposed to do them. "This is what...
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These dreams. These dreams.
The theme of absence pops up in each dream. In the same way I dreamed of my mom last night. Far away from her and her spare garage apartment. In the dream, I felt and thought repeatedly I had not seen her in a very long time. That feeling was familiar to me. The awareness of having not seen her in...
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The theme of absence pops up in each dream. In the same way I dreamed of my mom last night. Far away from her and her spare garage apartment. In the dream, I felt and thought repeatedly I had not seen her in a very long time. That feeling was familiar to me. The awareness of having not seen her in...
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I have begun to believe the current malaise I am experiencing is partially attributable to you. I began to believe this very soon after I began to believe that I am in a malaise.
We've been so many different places, but right now... I can't believe in you. I see all the things I don't like about you. All the things that I've always seen,...
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We've been so many different places, but right now... I can't believe in you. I see all the things I don't like about you. All the things that I've always seen,...
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I would rather experience fear than learn about it. I felt fear today. I remember, I closed my eyes and I became very aware of there being different rules. I closed my eyes and other things felt possible. I was near a girl I wanted to talk to but I shut the idea out immediately. It may have been as I prepared to ask her...
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Disoriented, all I can do is write. I should have been doing this many hours ago. Around 10, I walked into the kitchen and sat down. I pulled my laptop towards me, across the table. Instead of writing I looked at the FB page of the woman who was in my dreams last night. Typing that, I realize there's nothing at all appealing about sharing...
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Person #10: Well, it is your perception of anonymity.
Person #12: What does that mean?
Person #10: You perceive yourself to be anonymous, so you feel comfortable expressing all these different aspects of your personality you are uncomfortable with away from your computer.
Person #12: I perceive myself to be anonymous?
Person #10: That's all it is.
Person #12: What does that mean?
Person #10: You perceive yourself to be anonymous, so you feel comfortable expressing all these different aspects of your personality you are uncomfortable with away from your computer.
Person #12: I perceive myself to be anonymous?
Person #10: That's all it is.
We're making a movie. The script is a 9-pager. The dates are set. The last weekend in July. I'm estimating no more than three days of shooting, one of those days with a skeleton crew. This is so we can keep the budget around $1000. Most of that will go to bringing the director into town and a weekend equipment rental (the Red Camera?). That...
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I set a schedule not expecting it to be permanent. I review all the notes and documents I have on a project so far- documents on my harddrive, documents stored on google docs, documents actually written with pen and paper, printed out documents with notes on them.
A single obstacle, from multiple versions, I have to select one script to work with. The most recent...
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A single obstacle, from multiple versions, I have to select one script to work with. The most recent...
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I've been gone for quite a while.
I'm not quite sure how I got back.
I'm not quite sure how I got back.
I open slowly. The exceptions are rare but exciting occassions which usually involve overly clever, attractive condescending or oblivious people lighting fuses.
Yeah... I know I'm full of shit. I just can't figure out what to do about it.
It's like DEATH is just knocking... "Here I come," it says.

dont you just hate when it does that?