First off--I would like you to see (in person) these things that I personally wish were not happening
Out of those "Freedom infused Iraqis" I would like you to bear witness to:
1) A bunch of Iraqi civilians get blown up by insurgents using explosives...
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That might just be the last straw for me around here.
But who knows: maybe the Iraqis will pull his head out of his ass for him.
I'll peak my head in.
Vice President Dick Cheney, 2/7/03:
[M]y belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly. . . (in) weeks rather than months
Donald Rumsfeld, 2/7/03:
It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.
Former Budget Director Mitch Daniels, 3/28/2003:...
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Nice to meet you, too.
Unless you're disabled, you have no fucking right encouraging others to die in your stead. If you weren't cowards, you'd be in the military, not whining about Kosovo or some other bullshit. The Army's recruiting isn't getting any better, and they need YOU. Not the kid from Wal Mart, not the ROTC grad. They need war supporters to take this...
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You're just killing me in the Netherlands thread.
Those are some heavily denial-dazed bumbaklaats you're up against.
Edit cause if your gonna say bumbaklaat with Dutch spelling emphasis you should spell it right.

[Edited on Jun 01, 2005 8:34PM]
I'm a piss-criminal wanted in 22 States!

In exchange for our uniformed young people's willingness to offer the gift of their lives, civilian Americans owe them something important: It is our duty to ensure that they never are called to make that sacrifice unless it is truly necessary for the security of the country. In the case of Iraq, the American public has failed them; we did not prevent the Bush administration...
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Regarding your post above: that editorial puts it better than I could.
Regarding the previous post in your journal: I hope you're not thinking of leaving.

These guys are very effective teachers about what is wrong with our culture. In the same way that a vaccine gives your body a little taste of the virus so that it learns how to eventually kick it's ass. Take what you learn from these guys to become a real fighter in the real...
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I want to see Laswell's retraction...
Like that will ever happen!
BTW - My membership is up the 6th. I am not renewing. When the SG Radio thing happened I just about died. Add that to the Playbiy and other commercial tie-ins and it spells bye bye for me.
[Edited on May 25, 2005 10:17PM]
PN? I have no idea what you mean????
I think it was probably Solaris I was baiting you with.
(Uh don't worry Solaris..... i was merely using you as a decent reason to move to Canada....)
She lives in my town.
So do Bettina and a few others.
As far as completing the scene goes: what can I say about BC that the whole world doesn't already know?

for the U.S., it's a shame that nobody is paying attention to what coleman is doing in this subcommittee. it's mccarthyism at its worst.
and why must minnesota put up with a kennedy-wannabe new york lawyer senator at all? i can't wait for him to somehow stumble when the '08 election rolls around, showing coleman as the true karl rove puppet that he is.
the most shameful politician to come out of minnesota since Andrew Volstead.
Oddly enough, illegal liquor sales during Prohibition was what made Joseph Kennedy rich, bringing us full circle to Kennedy-wannabe Coleman.

Even more odd is that a year ago at an estate sale, I bought an ancient copy of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," just for the title and cover art. Now I'm gonna have to read it!
It couldn't possibly be?????
A musician who can actually hear!??
Shame you live so far away.
I can't get a band together to save my damn life.
I've only looked at 3 cars so far but they've all been Subarus.
I figure that gives me the best of both worlds.
Hatchback practicality and after-market performance mania.
What model is yours exactly??
This is so patently offensive that I don't have adequate words to describe how truly wrong this is:...
If you don't share our politics, you hate the baby Jesus.
If you don't share our politics, you hate religious people.
If you don't share our politics, you are evil.
Congrats, Republicans. Our leaders have now taken the traditional rhetorical demonization of our opposition and...
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Why is everyone I like leaving..............
are you on myspace or anything?