Prepare to vomit from cuteness overload:

He's not mine, but goddammit, I wish he were. If his parents die, they say I should abscond with him to the wilderness to teach him the ways of our people.
Oh, and my new friend. Thanks for running across my bare foot night-before-last. Jackass.

He's not mine, but goddammit, I wish he were. If his parents die, they say I should abscond with him to the wilderness to teach him the ways of our people.
Oh, and my new friend. Thanks for running across my bare foot night-before-last. Jackass.
Ok, I'll go become an arachnid expert just because you demanded it!
Ps: You owe me a new laptop. I vomited all over mine from the cuteness.
Pps: It appears your little friend is a species of house spider. Not sure if it's the Giant house spider or hobo spider...
If you see one again, I suggest careful capture and relocation far away...or just kill the shit out of it. If it's a hobo spider...the bites are NASTY.
The spoiler is a pic of the hobo spider bite. If you don't want to see grossness, don't look...
baby is cute.