I really want to rescue this little fucker:
[Note: While my 89 year-old grandmother doesn't need rescuing, I sorta' blame her for letting unwed cats make baby Jesus cry by bumpin'-'n-grindin' on her property. For shame!]
So yeah, 6-week old fuzzball. Cuter'n all Holy Hell. Her mom is a total slutbag. Of the four original kittens in her litter, this'n be the only survivor.
I got my two boys...
[Exhibit A]
[Exhibit B]
...from one of the stray's outside my grandmother's house two years ago. They were finally able to catch Momma cat and spay the ho after she'd managed to evade previous attempts to de-ovary her. By that time, however, she'd managed to pop out about a gazillion babies. My two were part of her final litter.
Gotta admit though, for a one-eyed cat, she got a lot of dick while in her prime.
Can ya' tell I was over at my grandmother's for Mother's Day?
The boys are friendly enough, and probably wouldn't mind an extra feline in the house. Lord knows my apartment is big enough for some extra creatures. Just... yeah, I really can't start that whole weird cat collecting thing.
It's bad enough being pegged as the crazy cat lady. But, ermm... I don't want to be the male version of that.... that... thing.
Right now Red 'n Jake'll do me just fine. I enjoy having pets that I can neglect (calm down, I give 'em extra food and water) for a few days at a time while I traipse off through the wilderness. Much easier'n havin' a dog or like a fuckin' bird or some shit.
Still... she's a cute little thing.

[Note: While my 89 year-old grandmother doesn't need rescuing, I sorta' blame her for letting unwed cats make baby Jesus cry by bumpin'-'n-grindin' on her property. For shame!]
So yeah, 6-week old fuzzball. Cuter'n all Holy Hell. Her mom is a total slutbag. Of the four original kittens in her litter, this'n be the only survivor.
I got my two boys...
[Exhibit A]

[Exhibit B]

...from one of the stray's outside my grandmother's house two years ago. They were finally able to catch Momma cat and spay the ho after she'd managed to evade previous attempts to de-ovary her. By that time, however, she'd managed to pop out about a gazillion babies. My two were part of her final litter.
Gotta admit though, for a one-eyed cat, she got a lot of dick while in her prime.

Can ya' tell I was over at my grandmother's for Mother's Day?
The boys are friendly enough, and probably wouldn't mind an extra feline in the house. Lord knows my apartment is big enough for some extra creatures. Just... yeah, I really can't start that whole weird cat collecting thing.
It's bad enough being pegged as the crazy cat lady. But, ermm... I don't want to be the male version of that.... that... thing.
Right now Red 'n Jake'll do me just fine. I enjoy having pets that I can neglect (calm down, I give 'em extra food and water) for a few days at a time while I traipse off through the wilderness. Much easier'n havin' a dog or like a fuckin' bird or some shit.
Still... she's a cute little thing.
I love that cats are so independent that they really don't need us for much
it's after that that you become that dude with all the cats...