I wonder if my ex-roommate realizes I still have access to his Netflix account?
Not that I would do anything to disrupt his steady diet of Kurosawa-esque samurai epics, or his libertarian-driven political documentaries... I just take some small amount of pleasure from giving random ratings to movies I know damn-well he'll never watch.
Apparently Mike really enjoys Veggie Tales and Hillary Duff movies. Go fig're.
Not that I would do anything to disrupt his steady diet of Kurosawa-esque samurai epics, or his libertarian-driven political documentaries... I just take some small amount of pleasure from giving random ratings to movies I know damn-well he'll never watch.
Apparently Mike really enjoys Veggie Tales and Hillary Duff movies. Go fig're.
Apparently Mike really enjoys Veggie Tales and Hillary Duff movies. Go fig're.
This sentence made me more happy than I can express in words, at the moment. Hahahaha. Thanks for that.