Anyone want to live with me? I live with a friend who until i moved in with him thought he had his head on straight... little did i know his intellect (finished an undergrade and masters in 4 year, speaks 5 languages) was not matched with emotional intellect and he's been a nutcase (not the good kind) to live with. The apartment we live in has flaws but what 30 year old apartment doesn't?
So, in other news has anyone else jumped onto the iphone games yet?? I used to be a classic gamer (i still play tabletop DND every week) but have recently been jumping on the phone... What do you play?
And who wants to live with me??
Here is a cat pic to make me happy if not you...
So, in other news has anyone else jumped onto the iphone games yet?? I used to be a classic gamer (i still play tabletop DND every week) but have recently been jumping on the phone... What do you play?
And who wants to live with me??
Here is a cat pic to make me happy if not you...
I need $70 for that bodysuit !!!
Aww thanks!