So I'm in Melbourne for laneway with the girlfriend and a few peeps are heading out afterwards if anyone fun wants to join message me 😸
So this fits in with the SG homework this week of doing a tour of your town. I've recently just submitted job applications in London and i've never been! I have no idea what it'd be like and yet I feel like need to go! Already i want to know where the best coffee is, good bars and where or where do i go for...
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It's winter here and while everyone had fun at SDCC kitty and I had stayed in doors and sat in the sun doing our part for a nerdy future (Destiny Beta)
Hope everyone else stayed warm and nerdy x
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Where should i move too next? I'm about to finally finish my political science and commerce degrees next week and with a British passport up my sleeve now i feel that a move for work or more study is in order. Anyone have any inspiring ideas???
Hey all. I know I haven't been on for a while but I had uni and a run in with cancer. Luckily I'm ok now and have made it to mcloed ganj in India. Relaxing with the monks I used to teach and just walking around.
If anyone wants to join please do! I'm here till February and Need someone to eat meals with, laugh...
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Good luck on the job hunt. I've just ditched my office jobbie for a coffee jobbie. I'm that clumsy shot puller at the moment lol. But they like me enough to make me a supervisor already which is sweet!
I just have to get my technique on the machine better.