OK, ok. 3 days and only 5 responses to my last blog (thanks to those who did respond
) It has come to my attention that perhaps my last blog was a little too long-winded for some of you to make it through, hence the lack of responses. SO I'm going to condense it & maybe some of you will read & respond now. Of course feel free to read the whole previous entry if you want any clarifications.
OK so here it is: Nice guys vs. Bad Boys. Why is it that women tend to fall for the Danger Boy over the Sensitive Man? Does a guy NEED to be an asshole to attract the ladies? And why do women put up with men who treat them like crap, but walk all over the men who treat them well?

OK so here it is: Nice guys vs. Bad Boys. Why is it that women tend to fall for the Danger Boy over the Sensitive Man? Does a guy NEED to be an asshole to attract the ladies? And why do women put up with men who treat them like crap, but walk all over the men who treat them well?
People don't fundamentally change. As someone I used to work with once said, "You can only polish a turd so much - it's still a turd". If you start with someone who's not a good person, no matter how much you try to "polish" them or change them, you might have surface success, surface "polish" but in reality you will never really change them - they're still a "turd". I think this is the mistake a lot of people make, honestly, not just women. I made it - I thought I could change my ex, thought I was dealing with a diamond in the rough too. I thought she was fundamentally good inside... maybe she is, but I was unable to affect any real change, and that's the trick - YOU will naver really change anyone, they need to do it themselves.