The party last night was a ton of fun. I hope that everyone else had a sweet time. I wont name the people that came. You know who you are. KellyJanice spent most of the night play Ms. Pacman and Jr. Pacman. Which was super hot by the way. I had a ton of fun talking to cypris. She is a rather cool gal.
I just want to thank everyone for coming and even those who tried to come but couldnt make it. You made me feel very loved.
Also cypris I will so kick your ass at a belching contesthardcore.
I just want to thank everyone for coming and even those who tried to come but couldnt make it. You made me feel very loved.
Also cypris I will so kick your ass at a belching contesthardcore.
i'm glad you a great time dave, i love you very much and i just wanted you to have a great time
sorry I missed the party and I think I could beat both of you in a belching contest (the belch must come from deep within your the belch) warm coke is the key...oh yea if i have the cash you'll have the game