I bought Mortal Kombat Deception Friday and its pretty good. I really dig it. I spent more money then I should have and stuff but oh well. I got my hair cut too. My brother had his child last week. Tuesday to be exact. So Im an uncle now. He has another one coming in a few months. Yeah, needless to say he doesnt use protection. Nor is he very faithful . I know hes not going to take care of either of them. Thats sad honestly because all he is doing is continuing the cycle our father started. And there is nothing worse then a dead beat father. Nothing worse at all.
My brother is also a convicted felon.The family couldnt be more proud.
Count down to the end of my social life. T-Minus 16 days and counting.
Grand Teft Auto: San Andreas on the 26th of October.
My brother is also a convicted felon.The family couldnt be more proud.
Count down to the end of my social life. T-Minus 16 days and counting.
Grand Teft Auto: San Andreas on the 26th of October.
i love you baby