now i feel like i have been cheatin recently by just sticking song lyrics in my journal, so tonight i thought i'd try and redress the balance .....
so what has been on my mind recently..........?
1) MANNERS- where the freakin fuck have they gone?? the people that drag themselves into my shop cannot barely raise a please or thank you....AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!
now i know that i can be a bit cranky and grumpy looking (my profile pic is probably the happiest pic of me since my wedding day!!) but i do have manners....i try and be polite. i hold doors open for people...do i get a thank you??? well sometimes yes....mainly from the people that you least expect it from...but on the whole most dregs of humanity don't see why they need manners...
2)Saraphine's new set!!!!
WOW!!! i was hot for teacher and now i just wanna party with her.....
she has even knocked the amazing Mary off of my favourite SG list!!!!!!!!!
3) Rediscovering "lost" albums. i have been listening to The Band loads recently. Damn they are so good!! i don't think they ever really got the recognition they deserve coz they were Dylan's backing band. but fuck me!!! most bands struggle to find one decent singer...The Band had THREE of the very best in Levon Helm, Rick Danko and the awesome Richard Manuel...add to that the geniuses of Garth Hudson and Robbie Robertson.......jeez..............i'm suprised everyone didn't just give up then and there!!!
4) Ever get the feeling you were born at the wrong place and at the wrong time?? i mentioned this the other day...just for the record i think i should have been born around 1940. purely for the music. mid teens when Cash started recording and i'd have been ther through out the 60's and 70's.....shit, i should have been livin either in Laurel Canyon or Woodstock...........if only...............
well this has been a bit of a rant but there we go.....
i'm gonna open a bottle of red and lie down in a darkened room.......
if anyone would like to stroke my beard to help me relax please feel free..........
thank you for reading, you beautiful people...
that is all...............................................
now i feel like i have been cheatin recently by just sticking song lyrics in my journal, so tonight i thought i'd try and redress the balance .....
so what has been on my mind recently..........?
1) MANNERS- where the freakin fuck have they gone?? the people that drag themselves into my shop cannot barely raise a please or thank you....AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!
now i know that i can be a bit cranky and grumpy looking (my profile pic is probably the happiest pic of me since my wedding day!!) but i do have manners....i try and be polite. i hold doors open for people...do i get a thank you??? well sometimes yes....mainly from the people that you least expect it from...but on the whole most dregs of humanity don't see why they need manners...

2)Saraphine's new set!!!!

she has even knocked the amazing Mary off of my favourite SG list!!!!!!!!!
3) Rediscovering "lost" albums. i have been listening to The Band loads recently. Damn they are so good!! i don't think they ever really got the recognition they deserve coz they were Dylan's backing band. but fuck me!!! most bands struggle to find one decent singer...The Band had THREE of the very best in Levon Helm, Rick Danko and the awesome Richard Manuel...add to that the geniuses of Garth Hudson and Robbie Robertson.......jeez..............i'm suprised everyone didn't just give up then and there!!!
4) Ever get the feeling you were born at the wrong place and at the wrong time?? i mentioned this the other day...just for the record i think i should have been born around 1940. purely for the music. mid teens when Cash started recording and i'd have been ther through out the 60's and 70's.....shit, i should have been livin either in Laurel Canyon or Woodstock...........if only...............

well this has been a bit of a rant but there we go.....

i'm gonna open a bottle of red and lie down in a darkened room.......
if anyone would like to stroke my beard to help me relax please feel free..........

thank you for reading, you beautiful people...
that is all...............................................

sir, i believe you are addicted to my wiggles
Speaking of manners I know EXACTLY WHAT your talking about cuz I work at a tatoo shop and yeah.. Horribel fucking manner these costumers come in with... I mean your about to get needles stuck in you ..and the artist determines whether or not your tatt looks nice,,u know..better show them some mannners