Going through and putting a second manuscript togehter. Thought I would share one of my simple poems from back in the day when I first began writing.
A Bit Busy
Are you ever so busy -
your head has a pinball
battering its sides,
and you're in a hurry,
so hurried, you tell yourself,
"I love you",
or while at a website
with the prompt staring you down,
you can't remember the password
and tell yourself,
and over,
"the password is fucker",
"the password is fucker".
A Bit Busy
Are you ever so busy -
your head has a pinball
battering its sides,
and you're in a hurry,
so hurried, you tell yourself,
"I love you",
or while at a website
with the prompt staring you down,
you can't remember the password
and tell yourself,
and over,
"the password is fucker",
"the password is fucker".
Thank you sweetheart! <3