it's my birthday and some very nice people who i don't really know left me a few comments today. thank you.
to me it is a bit funny that i call them very nice people specifically because i don't know them. even though i have little faith in humanity my opinion of people generally doesn't diminish to its lowest levels until i meet them or speak with them over the phone. then... well... i remember why it can be very nice to have quailty alone time.
i have had much alone time lately. working and traveling has slowed. unfortunately, my wife's uncle passed quite suddenly, so she went "home" to be with her mother and go to the funeral. i don't know much about the culture (her mom is sikh), but apparently occasions such as weddings and funerals are quite lengthy.
strangely, i have been taking comfort in the drudgery of daily life. i have been getting little projects done around the house and enjoying the spring weather. my birthday present to myself was purchased on monday when i got a chainsaw from lowe's. if you don't have one, get one! i now understand why they are frequently the chosen weapon in a variety of movies. chainsaws are fun and they cut shit up quick and in a not so nice way. my sawzall is a delicate paintbrush in comparison.
okay enough tool talk.
next to my update box there is a list of all the past entry dates. i notice that i have 3 entries right around each other and then it all falls apart. originally i thought i would utilize this site more. i wanted to keep a journal again, and i thought i would try this rather than the handwritten journals i have had for years. i also thought i would maybe meet some people (nice or otherwise) to chat with and perhaps occasionally email. the reality is just like real life. if you don't try or make any effort whatsoever then you end up home alone, talking to plants, sharpening your edged weapons, burning off your fingerprints, and making dresses out of human skin... well that's what i heard anyway.
so my moral for all of you potential psycho killers (or lazy shy people like me) is that once in a while, perhaps more, one should acknowledge the existence of the human race. it will have some sort of effect i guarantee it. maybe it will just drive you crazy that much faster, and then you can become a celebrity for 15 minutes. maybe i should write more about chain saws... i seemed happier then.
i'll save the profound for some other day although i'm more likely to get a pony for my birthday than to ever achieve profound. did anyone buy me a pony?
to me it is a bit funny that i call them very nice people specifically because i don't know them. even though i have little faith in humanity my opinion of people generally doesn't diminish to its lowest levels until i meet them or speak with them over the phone. then... well... i remember why it can be very nice to have quailty alone time.
i have had much alone time lately. working and traveling has slowed. unfortunately, my wife's uncle passed quite suddenly, so she went "home" to be with her mother and go to the funeral. i don't know much about the culture (her mom is sikh), but apparently occasions such as weddings and funerals are quite lengthy.
strangely, i have been taking comfort in the drudgery of daily life. i have been getting little projects done around the house and enjoying the spring weather. my birthday present to myself was purchased on monday when i got a chainsaw from lowe's. if you don't have one, get one! i now understand why they are frequently the chosen weapon in a variety of movies. chainsaws are fun and they cut shit up quick and in a not so nice way. my sawzall is a delicate paintbrush in comparison.
okay enough tool talk.
next to my update box there is a list of all the past entry dates. i notice that i have 3 entries right around each other and then it all falls apart. originally i thought i would utilize this site more. i wanted to keep a journal again, and i thought i would try this rather than the handwritten journals i have had for years. i also thought i would maybe meet some people (nice or otherwise) to chat with and perhaps occasionally email. the reality is just like real life. if you don't try or make any effort whatsoever then you end up home alone, talking to plants, sharpening your edged weapons, burning off your fingerprints, and making dresses out of human skin... well that's what i heard anyway.
so my moral for all of you potential psycho killers (or lazy shy people like me) is that once in a while, perhaps more, one should acknowledge the existence of the human race. it will have some sort of effect i guarantee it. maybe it will just drive you crazy that much faster, and then you can become a celebrity for 15 minutes. maybe i should write more about chain saws... i seemed happier then.
i'll save the profound for some other day although i'm more likely to get a pony for my birthday than to ever achieve profound. did anyone buy me a pony?