After a long and much needed mental hiatus, i am gettin' it together. I have my art show/event next week which is taking mass time to complete and three paintings which I am desperately trying to finish before then. All in all, things are okay though i am trying to balance my wants and inadequacies yet again, trying to decide whether i can run off to Tokyo or something for awhile or whether i should buckle down and take this job I'm (sort-of) being offered. It is so EASY to fuck off forever...
After a long and much needed mental hiatus, i am gettin' it together. I have my art show/event next week which is taking mass time to complete and three paintings which I am desperately trying to finish before then. All in all, things are okay though i am trying to balance my wants and inadequacies yet again, trying to decide whether i can run off to Tokyo or something for awhile or whether i should buckle down and take this job I'm (sort-of) being offered. It is so EASY to fuck off forever...

You WILL come! (to the show, that is)