Oh shit, the walls come crumbling down (again)!
Welcome to my madness
I've had no visitors for such awhile
won't you stay
and keep me company
whle I deliberate and toil?
I've sent out invitations
they were muddied by doubt,
I'm sure
and my discontent has grown
into loneliness of profound proportions
Meeting him has stirred my dementia
lit my concupiscent fires
I'm moldable, malleable
touch me and you'll see
I have to bite my tongue
again and again
for I know that to reveal
all the carnality inside
would frighten him away
like a tiny winged creature
he'd up and fly
I hope there will come a point
when I don't have to fear
but will see that look
of full accepting recognition
on his placid, beautiful face
and all my anguish will dissipate
Welcome to my madness
I've had no visitors for such awhile
won't you stay
and keep me company
whle I deliberate and toil?
I've sent out invitations
they were muddied by doubt,
I'm sure
and my discontent has grown
into loneliness of profound proportions
Meeting him has stirred my dementia
lit my concupiscent fires
I'm moldable, malleable
touch me and you'll see
I have to bite my tongue
again and again
for I know that to reveal
all the carnality inside
would frighten him away
like a tiny winged creature
he'd up and fly
I hope there will come a point
when I don't have to fear
but will see that look
of full accepting recognition
on his placid, beautiful face
and all my anguish will dissipate
You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself
I'd like to be more poetic
