I think I have Dysentary. I have been really ill for a week now and I think that means I am quickly starving to death? No more crazy trips to the Middle East for me!
Sorry ItsAlive, I know you think I am a crazy flake, but under the circumstances (and you know there are ALWAYS circumstances), I was completely delirious, and incapable of functioning when I finally got back. I am still not functioning. Both Holly and I feel like we are on large doses of hallucinogens and we are trying to calculate when the feeling is going to end.
Big surprise here, but I ran into jimithesaint in Cyprus and he knocked me on my ass. (In more than one way). I was a stupid bitch and should not have been so unfair to him. (YEah, Josh I see you laughing at me!)
I am going to close my account here because I realized that it is nothing but trouble for me!!!!

Well, you are the sexiest girl on here and I would be sorry to see you go. Hope you change your mind. I am sure someone would pay your account for you.
Thanks for the comments, I really don't need anyone to pay my account. Sometimes I simply wonder what the point is. My life is all too fantastical and my exhibitionism un-adulterated always, so why do I come here? Oh, I think it was a compulsion. Maybe I can make it one again...? Need a boy! (Read; cock)