For anyone who was wondering what happened to me, I am in London. Jimithesaint turned stalker on me and I was afraid to disclose plans before the event. I am ALONE in London. Can I tell you how sad and depressing that is? I spend everyday all day ALONE. I am not travelling like this again. It is realllly not fun. THe club I was going to work at was closed for a two day bank holiday. Did I mention I spend nights alone too? Argh! And I haven't even been drinking, though god knows I need to.
Went to my friend's wedding in Holland. Tear-jerking insanity. What is this world coming to? Oh! And her best friend from college was there. Turns out we went to highschool together. You travel 6000 miles away from home only to run into people you know. I also ran into this guy who tried to make me his coke whore once, but I don't do coke so....
Went to my friend's wedding in Holland. Tear-jerking insanity. What is this world coming to? Oh! And her best friend from college was there. Turns out we went to highschool together. You travel 6000 miles away from home only to run into people you know. I also ran into this guy who tried to make me his coke whore once, but I don't do coke so....
Stalkers: boooooo
Alone: boooooo
Wedding other than your own that you didn't get laid at: booooooooo
Giving up in the face of adversity: booooo
Forcing yourself to overcome hardship because you're alone in a foreign country with no friends to run to: priceless oppurtunity to learn something about what lies at the root of your character.
Come home safely.