Between the ongoing psychiatric sideshow in my living room and me trying to figure out which end is up on the rolling pin, I am having a difficult time not dissolving my life. Oh the drama!
Its Alive called me to tell me that an ex boyfriend drove his car into the L.A. river in April and drowned. That kinda added to the overall mood this last week. I pulled muscles over my ribs in Yoga (who knew there were muscles there?) and I have absorbed more gamisol through my skin in the last week than should be absorbed in a lifetime. On a lighter note, my absynthe is finished. Even that sours however as the alcohol is too low of a proof so it won't light and it is pretty bitter. It makes you feel stoned though! I guess all is not lost...
Highlight of the week;
Seeing Pirates of the Caribbean with my mother and two underage boys...
Its Alive called me to tell me that an ex boyfriend drove his car into the L.A. river in April and drowned. That kinda added to the overall mood this last week. I pulled muscles over my ribs in Yoga (who knew there were muscles there?) and I have absorbed more gamisol through my skin in the last week than should be absorbed in a lifetime. On a lighter note, my absynthe is finished. Even that sours however as the alcohol is too low of a proof so it won't light and it is pretty bitter. It makes you feel stoned though! I guess all is not lost...
Highlight of the week;
Seeing Pirates of the Caribbean with my mother and two underage boys...

Guess I'll see ya when i see ya?