If anyone's interested I just put up a bunch of progression images from sketch to final art of the last pic I posted on my more regular type ranty blog thing here.
Rent inspection sucks. Got to clean the place up and prepare for it. Why can't I live in my own filth as nature intended?
yeah i have agency too but the bar i hang out at has my neighbour for a land lord so i was onto him straight away and its all cool so far .. any ways i dont make much mess as its just me.. no pets and no significant other
Fridays are wierd days for me when everything happens.
I get offers to work on comic projects, I get contacted by movie production houses wanting to find out how to give me money and I get asked to be feature artist for a new start up arts magazine fir the US/Canadian market.
ill just have to be happy with owning wormy print for time being till i get inked in 12 more sleeps
issue 1 cover didnt tickle my fancy ( some thing about the face) but this one has deffinatly got my interest ben
whats with the sepremo lofi edition? there going to be differnt formats? or it just going to be in lofi?.. i had to wait nearly 6 months to get the last lot of lo fi shit you did
well i have to brush teeth and go pick up lenore #12 and my 2 issues of shadow play#1
which comic shop has allready sold out of
Aww, don't worry man. I might be able to help you out. Will email you.
I'll be doing more prints anyways, fear not. ( And Monkeyjuice 02 too ) glad you dug he prints you got. Cafepress doesn't seem to be toooo bad these days.
Good luck with the inking btw!
I call it the Supremo Lofi edition since if the gods are kind, it will be available as a normal comic afterwards, so everyone who can;t get Lofi can still get it.
Had no net connection last night, and it keeps going off today. Bloody kittens chewing cables and knocking connector type gizmos and stuff probably.
Had a bit of artists block or whatever you'd want to cal it lately. Sucks. Just can't work on some things when the enthusiasm isn't there. Luckily I dig most of the... Read More
Well if people are actually going to look at this thing here, ( Yeah cheers for that Regan, you called me out man, ) I'd better post something of an explanation.
I'm generally one of them comicy booky type artists by day, and an unconscious sleeping lump of flesh by night. ( except when I have deadlines that... Read More
Uh, good advice. That's what I had to do, and I went to the crappy local public university I hate, which was all I could afford if my dad didn't want to help me with college. I didn't really have a choice.
The part I can't figure out was why was $5000 a year to help me with college too much of a financial burden, but $16,000 a year for 4 years for his HIGH SCHOOL was no problem at all?
Well, I'm sorry dude, guess you should have just worked harder since you dad sounds like a bit of a kook, but hey, it's his cash to do with as he wants. That's the way capitalism works. And it's the best system in the end, so if life hands you lemons, go make lemonade eh?
Hell, you should have someone photgraph it as you go.
Ever thought about a snowtown tag anywhere? ( I sort of want to myself, if the book turns out to be my lifes work, but I dunno...)
Someone put one on their dog actually, photo will be in Issue #3.