reading this i realise why i like the legend of zelda so much..

Temple of Light says:
and as you know i do small things in small steps, and as you also know you have a habit of trampeling the small things i do, im just saying its not so easy, but i will when i feel i wish to

coo coo cachoo says:
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no, it's a picture from the movie The Virgin Suicides.
soemtimes i will see a pair of shoes, or a bag, and realise ive needed it all my life. my mum gets mad at me because, y'know , i've never mentioned it before... but i just didn't KNOW i needed it until i saw it. and then without it, life would be pointless.

another semi-random journal comment.
you get all the good ones.
i realised i dont believe in heart

when you feel something in your heart, its really just your head not wanting to take credit for something that's bound to backfire.

you can quote me on that if you want.
i may well quote you on that, it's wisdom

and you're right, shoes are essential.

wow you're wise today. x
had a curious thought today, it was "i wanna be in a snuff film"

the ceo at work called me the other day, tried to have a go at me for taking time off sick, wanker, now imma have to go in tomorrow even tho im coughin up a lung just cos he considers money more important than peoples health.

tired of working for wankers...
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Having worked for asses, i can say they do not always last and tend to break more easily, when over doing the job. biggrin
haha, okay, i'm on my way!

blood tests today...
we shall see if my blood is human i guess
*flash of the doctor looking at my results and hastily putting them in an envolope while telling me he'll give me a referal*

also i posted this on the harry potter web forum.. at least i think i'm funny... it was about who should be cast in the next harry potter movies.....
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Amy Acker isnt a bad shoice for tonks..
man serenity was fucking cool
yeah its comfy and i can call it home now smile
i think the problem is legs
and that part where the legs meet the ass
yep... that's the problem

ive decided to make a cd of my songs
that way i'll have an album

i wonder how many songs i should put on.. 10?
yeah that's album-like

and imma start writing music for some of my older poems

then i'll feel like im completing something...
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im not sleeping too much.. maybe we could exchange some sleep, huh?

everyones fully supporting my messy hair look, i think im gonna keep it up. brushing it is such a hassle.
hehe, yea i actually really like it when i sleep too much. it's just not happening at the mment though. grr.

Pretty girl on every corner
sunshine turns the sky to gold
warm, warm, its always warm here
i can't take the cold

street littered with diamonds
everyone is glistening
this whole world shines so brightly
i can't see a thing

she is pretty as a picture
she is like a golden ring
circles me with love laughter
i can't feel a thing

sky's gonna...
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awww those dogs are really cute, but im kind of scared of dogs, and so i like the cat better. i love cats.
i have an interview for a new job tomorrow
i dont know if i want to go
it all seemed to fall into place for me to take the job
like it was 'meant' to be
but being that i dont believe in fate...
le sigh
i have just finished the new harry potter book
dont worry i wont spoil anything here
it just made...
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thank you smile

also, i totally love this entry, because it made it so easy to read the way it was laid out. wonderful stuff.

good luck with the job interview!
thanks for the friends add smile
ok so i have an interview at a new job on monday! its a good thing i took a weeks leave from the job im at now... 5 months ago. nice timinating i said, the time was nice. i can escape the team leader of a call centre that runs cabs all over the state industry!

also i've started writing on my play again. its...
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you're so sweet!

good luck at the interview!
yes the pull of each and every..
my throat feels it more than my heart
for heartlessness has become my sanctuary
while the pull of each and every..
i know its not an illusion
the images and truths i have built
for every sight and sound
i stand to believe
i pull myself out of the dirt
with dust in my hair and blood in...
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okay, so if you caught me in a butterfly net i'd be so impressed that i'd vow to be your butterfly forever.
last night i drempt it was raining and foggy, we were in a field me cept i wasnt me i was someone else, and a little girl. and we were trying to get away from someone. we got split up and i hid behind some rocks. i somehow found myself in a cabin and people were there. i knew them. they were friends or family....
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hehe, I'm a unique design, manufactured at a short girl punkrock factory tongue

I'm a gemini too.. no one hates gemini's!
hehe, i'm totally up for being stolen, you're in Australia, that sounds good to me!
i cant work out if im sad or not
and i cant, for the life of me, work out if i need help
yeah i feel like arggg or limp week old spinach i cant figure that out either
i got the apartment ! pick up the keys on the 13th and can move in on 14th