something special comes
its shapeless
yet longness
provides it with
somehow its blanket like
cold shroud soft darkless night
no breeze to ride on
why needed? not knowing how
making its own float boat
sailing soft grey-white cloud
it comes
oh i still have the odd boob flashing moment in my journal, don't you worry tongue

thank you for commenting on my set.

your talking boout jelly , no custard ... ummm if i had a phone id ring through my answer!! dammit mad
ok i found it, it goes like this...

lonely and lost
i am dressed comfortably
i am bleeding and tired
and very awake
i have all i need
2 arms and 2 legs
with tools of efficiency
everywhere i look
i am ready to start
my new life alone
in the sun i lie down
on the dusty warm road
and i look along...
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sure thing, i'll save a box for you!

don't say that you miss loving someone with ALL your heart.. you've gotta save a little bit for yourself
ok so a few things have been bothering me
i am
the sort of person who never panics
who is not afraid
who can be told something shocking
and not blink
the strong one
the one others turn to
i am
just one of those people

now i wonder,
i wonder because
i cope with things really well
when i used to have trouble
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now I'mmmm thinking about it too

I can remember you quoting futurama to me. but i cant remember what it was you said either. argh.

Alcohol fuels my power cells! is my most commonly used quote tongue xx
so let me see i cant align my text to the right and i cant delete an entry only modify? i'm havin a bad day..

nah, not that bad
does anyone know how to align the text so its all on the right? or in the middle? some of my poems dont work all on the left damnit!!
i weep
don't weep frown what's up?

dyou know what, im such a dumbass. i always thought your screen name was like


and i've just realised it's much more likely to be


im suchhh a dumbass.


thank you for liking my boots. they are the best biggrin
hair dont look that bad champ, hope you are loading sis up with movies again while she is here have fun with the beer and weddings
nothin like quitin a job you hate. then going out and gettin shitface. librating.
dreams, i had this dream that went forever, i kept trying to escape from this school. but this school seemed to have unlimited access to police and army personel. there were 2 others who'd try to escape. we'd jump the fence and run like hell, we'd find a playground way back up where no one would go and hide there. and they'd find us. then...
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does high blood sugar effect dreams? maybe that's why i dont dream.. i have really low blood sugar... very interesting! you learn something new everyday! biggrin
maybe the doctor just got it wrong! i was told last summer that i had really really low blood sugar levels, and i do very rarely dream. so it seems to make sense! haha

althoughh sometimes i dream and i then wake up all confused, which sucks! i hate it when you have those dreams that seem so much like real life, that when you wake up you're not quite sure if it happened or not
fucking hell, it takes 1 week for some nerd to fix my computer and its still not working properly. fucking nerds!

i have frustration to vent... venting will commence.. later
this is from a friends journal:

had this dream last night that Penny was killing people and Victoria was so stressed by it she ended up in a mental institution and i tried to call steven cos i was so upset by everything that had happeed (i was in the middle of all this) but he pretended to be his voicemail message so i hung...
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pah... it runs a lot deeper... he's been being a shit to me for months, this was just the final straw. i needed confirmation that he didn't care anymore, and that pretty much did it.

not many guys would leave their female "best friend", alone in town, crying and scared without doing anything to help. i'm pretty sure.

FAVORITE ARTISTS: 1 'art' please
- I loveeee that futurama episode!
AH! I am a futurama geek, or so i thought, but i cant think of the answer to that question right now.

i'll come back to you with an answer! ha, perhaps after watching all 4 series back to back again (any excuse...)
