This month is my most busiest: work, projects, including registering for classes at the community college, unfortunately on the winter and spring term, I have to take English Composition for the fucking third time because my second English Comp professor has something against me is my writing and my ideas. The man gave me a fucking D, because he rushed everybody in the class to finish their essay final so he could hurried on time to watch the season finale of 24. You can't rush students on their final exams for unnecessary out-of-the-classroom things, IT'S NOT RIGHT! I'm just had it with that college and this city! I want to take online courses at the AI Institute of Pittsburgh to get a certificate of Web Design. I would get certified with a year and find a job elsewhere.
Right now, i'm getting ready for the October cruise to the Bahamas, finding some ways to leave this city, and find scholarships for art school.
Artwork and pics of me are coming up!
Right now, i'm getting ready for the October cruise to the Bahamas, finding some ways to leave this city, and find scholarships for art school.
Artwork and pics of me are coming up!