I feel that English Comp bitch professor of mines of failing me!
For the first time in my life, a college professor insulted me. As a aspiring writer who loves to write short stories and screenplays, the bitch told on two occassions that I should stick with my art than pursing writing.
She said it to my face with her "smile" because of my minor writing mistakes. That woman has an fucking vendetta against me!
Akso she leaves me notes that I need to start doing better work.
Tgat woman gave me five D's and I believe is going to fail me because of her fucking teaching methods! I wasted three months of my time and money (paid by the PELL Grant) of her stupid, lots of people are dropping out of her course. I really wanted to dropout of this course, but I was too late of the withdrawl deadline. That means i'm definitely fucked! If that woman fails me, i'm going to the Dean. If I had to re-take that course. I don't WANT that fucking woman again and I REALLY mean it!
I don't know how many times I said "fucking bitch" to myself, everytime I leave out of that class.

Tgat woman gave me five D's and I believe is going to fail me because of her fucking teaching methods! I wasted three months of my time and money (paid by the PELL Grant) of her stupid, lots of people are dropping out of her course. I really wanted to dropout of this course, but I was too late of the withdrawl deadline. That means i'm definitely fucked! If that woman fails me, i'm going to the Dean. If I had to re-take that course. I don't WANT that fucking woman again and I REALLY mean it!

I don't know how many times I said "fucking bitch" to myself, everytime I leave out of that class.

Hey thanx 4 the comment!
You know what don't let her get you down or out of your game. Use that anger and write the best S#!T ever! You'll do great!! Keep following your heart and dreams.