Have you ever gone out to dinner with someone who just had gastric bypass surgery? It isn't fun. He had to chew each bite so carefully and cautiously that soon I was chewing my own bites at least 32 times before swallowing. Made me think of all the digestive enzymes in our body -- the way saliva interacts with food to break it down -- saliva -- saliva -- saliva. Eww. [Somewhat related sidenote: what's with the recent flurry of porno flicks that involve one person eating another person's spit? I remember when drooling was bad. Now drooling is good? I don't get it.] And then there's the burping. With every bite. With every sip of water. I don't have anything against burping, but when it looked like he was about to puke every time it got to be a bit much. Then I wanted dessert. Ice cream with hot fudge topping. Maybe with a cherry on top. But nooooo, we had to rush home so he could poop it all straight out. I hope he's not reading this. I love you P.

That is fantastic!