So I live in Parma now. And my neighbor has a mullet. Go figure.
we'll you'll have that... parma ....well .. its the land of el camino's and mullets... and yeah i can attest to starrg3rl's recomendation of critter... he did my tattoo...which is my picture ... go check it out
Thanks. That was actually pretty comforting. You DO understand my plight. Good for me. Bad for you. Congratulations on your new digs...mullets and all. Were you an east or west-sider when you lived here?
I'm moving tomorrow! Yay me. This is the first time in my entire life that I'll be living alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Bliss. Well, I'll still have my pup with me, which is generally a cool thing, but he puked on my bed the other day while I was sleeping. And then he ate his warm, steaming vomit, which is gross, but also kind of...
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I'm going camping. I hate Christmas. Halloween is the shit. Congrats on living alone. I hate even having an adress.
Hopefully slaughtering animals does not give you orgasms. surreal
Have not completely decided yet. I have friends that live on the Cuyahoga and i can hike from their backyard. Maybe the ledges.(doubt it though) Too many fucks anymore to enjoy the place.
You going camping?
I'm having a major piercing problem. My body has never been very good with artificial holes -- piercings take forever to heal, almost always leaving a nice big keloid behind. A few years ago, over a decent period of time, I ended up with about 24 holes in my ears -- 12 in each, outer ear lobe and up, nothing too fancy-dancy. I ended up...
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never use any of theose things, infact curasol should only be used in serious moderation Once the healing gets going you should use saline or sea salt as those are the most effective mthods . When you use the curasoluses very little on both sides of each hole and make sure if it's still wet after a while you wipe it off (extended wetness will attract bacteria). You can get curasol from a store online or from a hospital It's usually $14 a tube but it's worth every penny!
I had my upper left ear pierced about 6 years ago, and it has never healed! What's the story with that?
So I finally started packing tonight for the move. I guess I've been pretending that it isn't really going to happen. It's so strange going through the house and figuring out item by item what I get and what my husband gets. I was looking through things in the attic and came across this box of towels that I got as a wedding present --...
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the ability to revel in the darker parts of your self is an easy thing to find in people... the ability to revel in your own shadow with out becomeing unbalanced is alot more uncommon.
it's like when your depressed to the point where it takes on a self rightous life of it's own and you find yourself sitting in the dark listening to sappy music with a beer and a smoke but feeling stragely good about it,
it's the difference between feeling ALL your emotions to their fullest but maintaining yourself, or letting them rule over you and loseing yourself
aw well i babble

good luck lady
odd that you're going through a divorce and you added me to your friends today...
I just spent the weekend at Jeremy's *the guy who is my good friend and sex partner but not a romantic option* and shit sort of hit the fan. It's not over - but I don't know where we're at and it hurts.
Reading your entry was good though - the timing worked well. I am off to bed for now. Things will be better in a few weeks. I fucking hate it when shit hits the fan - but it's always the same and time always heals.
Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
I have been half in love with easeful Death,
Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
To take into the air my quiet breath;
Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
To cease upon the midnight with no pain . . .

~ John Keats ~

I just ate this really old piece...
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"Its a moo point... you know like a cow's opinion?"
they're both kinda the same depending on where you take them in the buisness world. i'm just so confused on what i want to do~ whatever
Thanks to everyone for your sympathy re the Parma thing.

In other news, from my local paper's police blotter:

"This is one unsolicited gift that won't keep on giving. On Aug. 18, someone left a dead raccoon outside an Orangetree Drive front door. The raccoon was wrapped in brightly colored tissue, then packed in a multi-colored gift bag that was tied with ribbons. The card...
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now that your my friend and all.
who are you ? smile
haveing read some journal entires you look to be hella cool
hiya. thanks for the add kiss
I'm moving to Parma! And I'm actually excited about it? Strange. I'll be a westsider now. A PARMA westsider. The end is drawing near folks.


parma isn't that bad ... it's kinda different from chagrin falls but you'll be alright...your more than welcome to come hang out in cleve. hts with me, tommy's has shitty falafel though......
Can't. Stop. Masturbating.

send help
Well it turns out that none of the drugs they gave me are of the id-zapping variety...i'm pleased to report. Though, wellbutrin has a way of kicking my sex drive into high gear when the dosage gets boosted, for awhile anyway. And the orgasms are way stronger. SO - I'm with you on your delimma. And yes- I am out now, thank christ. I recommend always working it out on your own because nobody there was any help to me. Cavity search?! - thankfully I didn't have to suffer that indignity.

You're a Six Feet Under fan. Word. How you liking this season? Only two more left. frown
I'm liking this season too. The third season remains my favorite though. The fucked up dynamic of Lisa and Nate's relationship was so true and so interesting to me for some reason. I was good with the carjack episode though I don't ever need to see it again. I didn't think it was over the top either. The carjacker has a small role in Garden State which I saw last night. It was weird seeing him as someone less sinister.

...and yeah, the current state of mental health care is a joke.

...and why eighties porn specifically? You a fan of mall bangs and mullets? wink
I saw my doctor yesterday. Waited two hours and fifteen minutes to see him, and towards the end of the waiting I'd forgotten why I was there in the first place. I had given up four vials of my blood the week before -- trying to find the cause of my tiredness, the cause of my elevated white blood cell count. Threw in some extra...
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I hate when I'm in the midst of an orgasm and the other person is just kind of sitting there all ho hum waiting for me to finish. I'm in my own little world for a brief moment and then suddenly I'm back in the real world feeling really really stupid. And I hate having to get up right away to pull the sheets off...
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I disagree! When its done right you would have your orgasm and I would wait until its over and then take you there again and again! smile smile

[Edited on Aug 15, 2004 9:48PM]
Why do you have to get up right away and pull the sheets off the bed? Or perhaps its better not to know. LOL. Not very conducive to cuddling. Anyway how can "the other person" be ho humming? When a woman has an orgasm its more like a religious experience to me. Plus its what I'm striving for so its like your team hitting a home run. Sex isn't highly overrated, believe me. Just certain lovers are lol.

[Edited on Aug 15, 2004 10:08PM]
How come some people collect cute little pig figurines and then eat bacon for breakfast? oink
hhhmmmm quite a dichotomy. Maybe because they are so damn cute and tasty at the same time.