We take so much for granted, and seem to be blind to everything else alltogther.
If only I could make us see what we do, how we damage all that we touch. If Gaia should ever turn against us, oh how we have earned her wrath.
We humans are truly wretched creatures, to each other and to nearly all other creatures we share this planet with. Quick to speak up when we deem everything else on the planet is in too great an abundance, and yet we do not even make the effort to apply these same concerns to ourselves. We breed like a virus, as though our sole concern is destruction in and of itself. All the while speaking of what's right and what's fair. We honestly haven't a clue about right or fair.
As humans, we simply devour the earth like it's candy, without meaning or fulfillment, and we will act surprised when we consume it all.
When we breed to the point of choking even ourselves, it is no longer about breeding to continue our species. Why do so few people even consider adoption when you want a kid? What about all the life already here seeking a home? My point is we are selfish, arrogant creatures who refuse to see what we do. Aren't we supposed to be intelligent animals? So we need to stop ignoring what we are even doing to our own society, let alone what we are doing to everything else around us. Why can't we just be more responsible? There is nothing so special about us that we should be immune to the same type of population control we inflict on everything else that lives on this planet. We are well beyond the point of doing this to keep our species going, in fact, it has begun to go the other way entirely. I am very much aware that "the change we want in the world starts with each of us as an individual". That's precisely what I'm saying. I'm saying let's be responsible, let's take some consideration for our actions, let's stop being arrogant bastards who care for only ourselves. Let's start paying attention to more than our own little circles because our actions effect everything around us. I'm already making an effort - For example - I chose to be sterilized a few years ago and have already made my decision to be responsible by not contributing to the human overpopulation. I raise plants, I recycle, I save strays who need a home.
I admit I do come across as more than a little bitter on this subject. This whole scenario frustrates me because I DO care about the earth we live on, and I am surrounded by people in denial despite all the growing proof of our damage, who breed with no regard as to whether they might be pushing everything else into extinction. There is nothing beautiful or glorious about what we are doing.
If only I could make us see what we do, how we damage all that we touch. If Gaia should ever turn against us, oh how we have earned her wrath.
We humans are truly wretched creatures, to each other and to nearly all other creatures we share this planet with. Quick to speak up when we deem everything else on the planet is in too great an abundance, and yet we do not even make the effort to apply these same concerns to ourselves. We breed like a virus, as though our sole concern is destruction in and of itself. All the while speaking of what's right and what's fair. We honestly haven't a clue about right or fair.
As humans, we simply devour the earth like it's candy, without meaning or fulfillment, and we will act surprised when we consume it all.
When we breed to the point of choking even ourselves, it is no longer about breeding to continue our species. Why do so few people even consider adoption when you want a kid? What about all the life already here seeking a home? My point is we are selfish, arrogant creatures who refuse to see what we do. Aren't we supposed to be intelligent animals? So we need to stop ignoring what we are even doing to our own society, let alone what we are doing to everything else around us. Why can't we just be more responsible? There is nothing so special about us that we should be immune to the same type of population control we inflict on everything else that lives on this planet. We are well beyond the point of doing this to keep our species going, in fact, it has begun to go the other way entirely. I am very much aware that "the change we want in the world starts with each of us as an individual". That's precisely what I'm saying. I'm saying let's be responsible, let's take some consideration for our actions, let's stop being arrogant bastards who care for only ourselves. Let's start paying attention to more than our own little circles because our actions effect everything around us. I'm already making an effort - For example - I chose to be sterilized a few years ago and have already made my decision to be responsible by not contributing to the human overpopulation. I raise plants, I recycle, I save strays who need a home.
I admit I do come across as more than a little bitter on this subject. This whole scenario frustrates me because I DO care about the earth we live on, and I am surrounded by people in denial despite all the growing proof of our damage, who breed with no regard as to whether they might be pushing everything else into extinction. There is nothing beautiful or glorious about what we are doing.

People never really seem to want to hear that there are too many humans, or that all the fine arts, lovely sentiment, and positive attitude combined don't change the facts about the amount of destruction and the mindless vanity behind it.

Have a Better New Year.