Cool beans, I'm on the front page! (well, yesterday, but I'm happy about it)
I am still working my butt off, mostly. I have been working on a home-made bath gift set sales project I have been wanting to get out for a year or two now, I have been doing a lot of writing, and my photography has helped open some new financial opportunities for me lately as well. Oh, and I will have a few galleries of prints up for sale on my site within the next day or two, so as soon as they're up I will post a link. Oh, and slightly random- You should go see 9 if you haven't. It's awesome and groovy. You should also check out Waltz With Bashir. It is very sad, very beautifully done (despite it's simplicity), and very honest. It is easily the best war movie I have ever seen in my life.
Okay I'm back. More Updates!! (well, mostly random recent pictures actually...)
the kitty who likes to hang out in my back yard

My little robo hamster Han Solo

A creature my grandma made me when I was a kid. He was bigger than me until I was like 9 so I kept him in the closet. lol... he still hangs out in the closet, I just don't have a door on this one.

The Cosmos I planted in my backyard

Cosmos close up at night

So that's mostly all for now. I must get back to work.
A penny for your thoughts by the way: what kinds of projects have you guys been up to these days? I have been doing a lot of different crafty things that I am hoping to get off the ground soon.
And thank you to all of you who have posted your thoughts on my sets, not just "Into the Pink", but all of them. Your support and feedback is always appreciated.
And now, back to work related stuff.
So I bid you adieu, (again) and I leave you with a little kiss.....

I am still working my butt off, mostly. I have been working on a home-made bath gift set sales project I have been wanting to get out for a year or two now, I have been doing a lot of writing, and my photography has helped open some new financial opportunities for me lately as well. Oh, and I will have a few galleries of prints up for sale on my site within the next day or two, so as soon as they're up I will post a link. Oh, and slightly random- You should go see 9 if you haven't. It's awesome and groovy. You should also check out Waltz With Bashir. It is very sad, very beautifully done (despite it's simplicity), and very honest. It is easily the best war movie I have ever seen in my life.
Okay I'm back. More Updates!! (well, mostly random recent pictures actually...)
the kitty who likes to hang out in my back yard

My little robo hamster Han Solo

A creature my grandma made me when I was a kid. He was bigger than me until I was like 9 so I kept him in the closet. lol... he still hangs out in the closet, I just don't have a door on this one.

The Cosmos I planted in my backyard

Cosmos close up at night

So that's mostly all for now. I must get back to work.
A penny for your thoughts by the way: what kinds of projects have you guys been up to these days? I have been doing a lot of different crafty things that I am hoping to get off the ground soon.
And thank you to all of you who have posted your thoughts on my sets, not just "Into the Pink", but all of them. Your support and feedback is always appreciated.
And now, back to work related stuff.
So I bid you adieu, (again) and I leave you with a little kiss.....

cute kitty!!! cute hamster!!!
"I leave you with a little kiss"
what's the "samurai" poster behind u in the pic?