The baby is named Siyabonga. He is about 13 months old. The mother about 19. From what I understand, she is a drug addict and basically kicks it all day. She has reportedly left the baby with someone else, and is currently deemed unfit. Should she be found in SA she will be arrested.
I have no children. I had him for about 3 weeks. I cried every morning as I watched him sleep. I never get a chance to really look at babies. Seeing him there all alone sleeping peacefully is the most terrifying experience ever. I was enough to make me take action. I am currently in the process of obtaining SA residency because of relatives in the nation. I do not want Siya to go to an orphanage.
I hate his mother. She is a modern woman. She cares nothing for herself or the child. I can not wait to see my little Siya Siya Bonga again. We should be together in about 1 month. He is with a nice family for now. I am working hard to fix all of my previous issues and have him in my arms again. Check out Facebook for the photos in the next couple of days.