i had this discussion today with a peer at work. we talked for a solid hour about some problems at work. at the time it didnt seem like a big deal but after thinking about it, its just really depressing. i'll never be able to do what ir eally want to do there. so i guess ill just settle. i dont know.
there has to be something positive out there!
there has to be something positive out there!
Don't settle, don't ever settle I'm proof that settling does nothing but make you dead inside.....just kick yourself in the ass bite the corporate bullet pay the bills and pull a fax machine gang stomp that makes office space look like a love peck. Then with furvor, passion, and maybe a little substance abuse as is the artist way, pump out a plethera of amazing pieces of art
thanks for the words. how true they are, now following through is the hard part. i went to jmoma today and was inspired..alot. not by good work, but by shit. it made me say "my god i should be here." so i'm somewhat motivated there.